THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Best we can make out it's the bottom element. We thought at first it was either the thermostat or regulator because after 50 minutes the oven only got up to 300 when the setting was for 400. We tried the broiler element at the top of the oven and it was working normal.

In any event it's 17 years old and a store brand....the top burners work ok and we have a barbecue and now the fancy convection toaster oven/air fryer so we're good to go.

OTE=releventchair;6454825]Adapt! Improvise! Next you'll be cookin on an open fire.

Ya, that sucks when an appliance goes on strike.....

Our gas oven over had the upper(?) igniter fail. So only had heat coming from one source.
I ordered a replacement from repair clinic (I realize your source will likely vary ,you're in Canada ) , a company I've dealt with repeatedly for repair parts...L.o.l..Cheap , no wait ; thrifty character that I am.

What's up with your oven?

Must be your oven is electric? It does seem only half of it is heating. (One of two heat elements not heating.)

With gas , if one fails it is not uncommon to get a "POOF!" when the failing one's (igniter) gas gets ignited by the flame from the second one.

After checking for a clean and tight connection as suggested by Keyshunter....It leans towards the element itself ,or what reads the elements heat ,or lack of heat. If that makes any sense...

Members of Treasure Net...

I consider you my "online family"... I have had some good times here and learned a variety of things here over the years.

I wanted to just take a moment to say that it has been a pleasure to know all of you.

I am saying this due to the uncertain times that are before us and want you all to know this should any member fall victim to this truly scary epidemic.

Please be smart... stay safe... and try your best to be on the upside of this.

I would hate for us to loose any members to this illness.

I will be on as much as possible during this.

Please check in if possible so we all know everyone is alright out there.

Again... Pleasure to know all of you.



There is a durable streak of human cockroach in all of us.
Sometimes it gets tested.
We do what we can...


Thanks for the imput, however, this oven's bottom element is encased so can't even get at the contact points to try and check them out or clean them short of dismantling parts of the stove. Given that it's 17 years old odds are it's not worth repairing at this point.

We've got the fancy convection toaster oven/air fryer and barbeque so we're good until this corona bug leaves the building.

Next we will be teleporting together to go treasure hunting!

Nah just teleport the treasure to ya... just need to discriminate against huge piles of trash showing up.



Big surprise young man if you get wet you will not melt trust me I wouldn't lie to you....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

AARC,sorry if I added in getting your topic in general dic. deleted ,but the wife is really getting high blood pressure becauce where we are nothing is being taken to heart …..its a village that wont do anything...………….open for those displaced..?????

A bunch of us, would probably get into trouble, going places that are supposed to be off limits :icon_thumleft: :blackbeard:

well BILL im bored,put the model # up might be real easy being I said old stoves kick ass ..if not I understand..

Thanks for the offer....I'll snoop around tomorrow and see if I can find the model #/manual.

well BILL im bored,put the model # up might be real easy being I said old stoves kick ass ..if not I understand..

Idahodutch, I'm up for some adventure, teleporting where we shouldn't sounds like fun!

Dock of the Bay you have to be old to remember this one....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: It's kind of ironic but back in the late 1960's when I was in my late teens one of my best buddies Peter Alexander got me hooked on motown & soul music. He happened to be a black dude and we had some great times and memories together. Getting nostalgic in my old age..... :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


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AARC,sorry if I added in getting your topic in general dic. deleted ,but the wife is really getting high blood pressure becauce where we are nothing is being taken to heart …..its a village that wont do anything...………….open for those displaced..?????

NP.. I knew it was going to be "short lived" when I started it... fact is I am surprised it made it that far. :)

But ARC, the thrill of the hunt is half the fun!

There is a durable streak of human cockroach in all of us.
Sometimes it gets tested.
We do what we can...
We are all here because our ancestors survived wars, the Black Death, St Anthony's Fire Spanish Flu, and DISCO!

Alright guys... I am burnt out... between the escapade of store crapola this morning and the running around to the anxiety of it all... I am shot out.


Gnight and don't let the Corona Virus bite.

Good night capt'n pirates beat scurvy we can beat this crappy little virus just stick together and it's toast.

Alright guys... I am burnt out... between the escapade of store crapola this morning and the running around to the anxiety of it all... I am shot out.


Gnight and don't let the Corona Virus bite.

Idahodutch, I'm up for some adventure, teleporting where we shouldn't sounds like fun!
Sounds like a lot of fun. At some point, we'd probably be calling for help from Mr Wizzard. Would be fun though.

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