Best we can make out it's the bottom element. We thought at first it was either the thermostat or regulator because after 50 minutes the oven only got up to 300 when the setting was for 400. We tried the broiler element at the top of the oven and it was working normal.
In any event it's 17 years old and a store brand....the top burners work ok and we have a barbecue and now the fancy convection toaster oven/air fryer so we're good to go.
OTE=releventchair;6454825]Adapt! Improvise! Next you'll be cookin on an open fire.
Ya, that sucks when an appliance goes on strike.....
Our gas oven over had the upper(?) igniter fail. So only had heat coming from one source.
I ordered a replacement from repair clinic (I realize your source will likely vary ,you're in Canada ) , a company I've dealt with repeatedly for repair parts...L.o.l..Cheap , no wait ; thrifty character that I am.
What's up with your oven?
Must be your oven is electric? It does seem only half of it is heating. (One of two heat elements not heating.)
With gas , if one fails it is not uncommon to get a "POOF!" when the failing one's (igniter) gas gets ignited by the flame from the second one.
After checking for a clean and tight connection as suggested by Keyshunter....It leans towards the element itself ,or what reads the elements heat ,or lack of heat. If that makes any sense...