I can remember having Rhubarb pie as a youth. Always had to shovel on the sugar !
Some is supposed to be put into the pie, but depends on when your youth was and how ripe the strawberries were

If there were any!
We moved in end of December - the back yard was a mud bowl, lose your shoes in the sloppy mud kind of yard and one of the first things after it thawed out and we saw what our back yard really looked like, we came up with a plan for what we wanted. It included fruit trees, raised gardens, blueberries, strawberries, and a chicken coop for eggs. Planted the fruit trees the early the first spring, and had a great fruit crop this past fall (1-1/2 years after planting small trees).
If you have had fresh picked strawberries, right out of the field, early in the morning, when the fruit is still cold, and red clear through;
(and like strawberries) Then you know there is no comparison between that and any store bought one.
Eggs are the same way. Give the chickens the things they need in their diet, and you can experience eggs that are unlike any store bought ones.
Organic comes close in a pinch, but nothing like fresh from your own yard.
We just have a residential lot, so restricted a bit. Its been a lot of work, but is coming along pretty good.
We like spending time outside. Sounds of birds, cool breeze, warm sun, BBQs - Southwestern Idaho weather is good for this.
Shorter winters than Central and Northern parts of the state.