THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Yep, I can't recall where it was exactly, ( maybe Japan ? ), but a chef was cooking a specialty dish which involved a cobra. He had cut off the head but somehow he was to die from a snake bite from the severed head :dontknow:

Same thing with trapped coons. If you pop them in the head, they start to dancing even though they're dead, and can't feel a thing. It makes the stomach turn watching though.

I found the article.

[FONT="](NEWSER) – A chef killed a snake — but the snake had enough time to kill him back.[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#303030][FONT="]Chef Peng Fan, of Guangdong Province in China, cut off the head of a spitting cobra as he prepared to dice its body for a soup, the Daily Mail reports.[/FONT]
[FONT="]But 20 minutes later, as Peng was tossing the head in the trash, the head was still functioning. That's when the venomous creature bit the chef, who died before anti-venom could be provided. "We ... could hear screams coming from the kitchen," says one restaurant guest.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#303030][FONT="]The bite results in paralysis and asphyxiation, the Daily Mirror notes.[/FONT]

[FONT="]"It is perfectly possible that the head remained alive and bit Peng's hand," says an expert, adding that reptiles can usually function for up to an hour, even after being decapitated. "By the time a snake has lost its head, it's effectively dead as basic body functions have ceased, but there is still some reflexive action. It means snakes have the capability of biting and injecting venom even after the head has been severed."[/FONT]

Copperheads and rattlesnakes can do the same thing. When I kill one, I have to make doubly sure where it's head is, pin it down, then grab the neck to dispose of it.

Good morning, ARC, Bill, Bart, Chris, Duckshot, GB1, Msbeepbeep, Red-coat, relevantchair, Rook, Rusty Relics, Sanman, Toecutter, and whoever I am forgetting.

Goodnight, Simon.

Last edited: bill my wife wants me to pick something from this menu to BB-Q this weekend....guess this is the new cool way to shop for stuff you can't always find locally ??

Good morning, ARC, Bill, Bart, Chris, DS, GB1, beeps, Red-coat, rc, rook, RR,TC, and the crew,.....

Goodnight, Simon

Wazz up sandman!

Copperheads and rattlesnakes can do the same thing. When I kill one, I have to make doubly sure where it's head is, pin it down, then grab the neck to dispose of it.

I can't imagine having to deal with venomous snakes when just walking through the woods here up north. There are rattle snakes but they are all in the bluffs which are few and I don't hunt bluffs anyways.

The only thing really venomous around here is the mud wasps. When they show up around the house we just wait till dark then hose the nest down with a can of wasp spray.

Well that went well. Car started smoking halfway to the dentist. Compressor or something like that went out, and now my mom wants it replaced.


Sounds interesting.....we're quite fortunate in Montreal and can pretty much track down anything whether from the land or sea in my area. bill my wife wants me to pick something from this menu to BB-Q this weekend....guess this is the new cool way to shop for stuff you can't always find locally ??

Funny thing just happened I’m sitting at work and I hear this guy yelling and whistling and saying “get over here. “ It was obvious he was chasing down a dog. he walks in front of my window and he is mad. Just out of my sight I hear a small “thwump” like he might have smacked the dog maybe I don’t know I didn’t see it then I hear him say “You don’t come over here do you understand me? “ Then he stomps right in front of my window and he is ticked but he’s holding this itty bitty teeny tiny dog. And the dog is looking up at him like “do you still love me? I’m so cute.” Lol just like kids they are.

Funny thing just happened I’m sitting at work and I hear this guy yelling and whistling and saying “get over here. “ It was obvious he was chasing down a dog. he walks in front of my window and he is mad. Just out of my sight I hear a small “thwump” like he might have smacked the dog maybe I don’t know I didn’t see it then I hear him say “You don’t come over here do you understand me? “ Then he stomps right in front of my window and he is ticked but he’s holding this itty bitty teeny tiny dog. And the dog is looking up at him like “do you still love me? I’m so cute.” Lol just like kids they are.

Just like our new dog. I swear, if that thing yowls one more time while I'm trying to sleep...

I'll move out.

So, I went into Starbucks and the barista was wearing a mask. I asked, “Why are you wearing a surgical mask?” She said, “I’m not. It’s a coughy filter.”


I have enjoyed many of you various posts.
You're a busy man. 8-)

Actually, you now that I look, the last couple of days has been different.
Now I am concerned for you, that maybe you got the Coronavirus or something.

You ok?

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