Found some interesting stuff last night.
Oscar Trautman, possibly the only WWI vet in my family tree, died 1918 of the flu. It's hard to say if he was actually in the army, or what.
James Hunsinger, a cousin, was a WWII, Korean war and Vietnam war vet, in the U.S. Navy. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
And then not so cool news, my great great great grandfather was a very pro hitler, American nazi. Great.
I was talking to my grandmother last night, and she gave me the names of some people in our family that served, but I won't find in my book. I'll have to get working on that.
She also told me about Jay Troup, the radio gunner that got shot down and captured (one of my great great uncles). She says she remembers the night his wife got told the news that he was a POW. She was frantic, screaming, crying, "The Germans have him! They'll kill him!". My grandmothers dad tried consoling her as much as he could. When Jay came home, it was an extremely happy tearful reunion.
She was also telling me that when she and her sister were young, they visited Jays farm post war. He was preparing chicken that night for dinner, so He went to cut the head of the chicken... After the head was cutoff, the body jumped up, and ran around chasing my grandma and her sister around the farm yard, while they were screaming bloody murder. I woulda loved to have seen that.