Platinum Member
We use to have local, state, national, and international news. Now it's just a little local and a bunch of Hollywood goop repeated over & over.
I would just like to know the truth behind all of this, cause somethings just not right.
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The young guy,.... he is all happy,... he is up $1,500.00
Here are some "UP" bets,..... 3M was just awarded a contract for a billion of those face masks,.....
Purell hand sanitizer, sales are off the map, shelves are empty all around town,......
Campbell soup flying off the shelf,..........
Clorox bleach,......... hard to find around town,... all bought up
So, pick up a rifle,..... and shoot the fish in the barrel.
I don't want to hear,...... all my investments are taking a dump,.....
If you had just simply "listened to the radio" on the way to work,......
you would be making money on this fiasco instead of taking a beating.
This country allowed itself to become so dependent on all that cheap chinese garbage,....
The US is their biggest customer,.... and now the chinese arn't shipping anything.
And, every country has banned shipments, boats, planes,..... anything from china.
I personally hope this caves in their entire economic system,.... dirty rotten communist bass tards.
"Better dead than red"
Also heard Nigeria closed its boarders a week or so ago.
It would be a little easier to keep up if our news media would report "news" instead of who got what, who, & how in hollywood.
I could care less about what goes on in hollywood.
We use to have local, state, national, and international news. Now it's just a little local and a bunch of Hollywood goop repeated over & over.
I would just like to know the truth behind all of this, cause somethings just not right.
Good morning,Simon & goodnight, ARC, Rook, TC, Bill, RR, WD,GB, Sanman, RC, Bart, and our treaure finding, rum & soda chugging, fearless, bunch of cut throat beloved crew!
Very nice on the button find Bart congrats!
I see auto correct even gets the experts, second paragraph "wuhna"?so it's not just me!
How are you this morn Cap.? Any better? Have some chicken soup.
If the rest of you want to go out in public just take ARC or me with you...the store will clear in a heart beat and you can have your pick from the store shelves.
If you want thread to remain open please stop all political comments. You can discuss the virus, you can not make political comments.