THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Quite a knee jerk environment.
Yet this time it makes a little more sense.
Lots of production being undermined , as well as the supply chain.
If it keeps dropping , that would make for a good time to buy in. Panicked investors selling at a loss (why not stick with long term if you're going to be around?)and who ever's buying is paying less...

I just bought a new truck.
Time will tell if the timing was right. It was pretty much time anyways.
If sales falter too much , popular vehicles will be less find-able as other inventory on lots is promoted. The bigger potential lag will be what automakers want to do with existing stock inventories , and forecasts for production from here on out a ways. There's some leeway....And potential special orders need considered too.

I recall a time in the early eighties when things were tight ,when people leaned towards drab colors on new vehicles. So not to flash them is supposed while other folks were just driving their tired out old vehicles longer due to economic necessity.....

IF this bug becomes cyclic like flu's ect. does , it's long term might get interesting in seasonal economies.

Congrats on the new truck.
In 2012 we traded my 2003 Monte Carlo SS for a 2012 GMC Canyon. We got $5500 for the trade. Didn't think that was too shabby. I loved that car and missed it tremendously, but I really loved my truck. Then in 2017 we traded the truck for an Acadia. At that time the used vehicles were the hot commodity. The Acadia was quite a few pennies more than what we paid for the truck, but because of the market it worked out that it only cost us $5,000 to own/drive that truck for 5 years. Now I blend in with all the other vehicles. A little too much. One time I went to the post office. I had my 2 older grandsons. They waited in the car while I went in. I came out and climbed into someone else's SUV. Those 2 laughed their butts off at Grandma! I was like, "Gee thanks for the shout out boys." That made them laugh harder. :BangHead:

On another note...

Did you hear on your other forum that there was another cheater in that fall brawl? Seems one of the placers didn't actually have a fishing license when he caught the fish. Went out and bought a license, kept the fish over night and the next day took it in to be weighed. Buggers! It's a darn shame, The guy that organizes the tourny puts in a lot of hours and hard work and money for that brawl. I wonder if this years entries will be down because of all this. :dontknow:

Good mornin all!!

We where looking at N95 mask on ebay a guy could get rich right now if he had a few cases..

Almost all of my stocks have takin a hard hit, but wouldn't this also be a good time to buy for por folks like me? If a stock goes dry does the company go under ? Im a newb with this stock market thing...

Buy low. Sell high. But do your homework first.

Good mornin all!!

We where looking at N95 mask on ebay a guy could get rich right now if he had a few cases..

I wouldn't worry about masks unless you live in a populated area. I think I'm safe, nobody comes to visit us, and I doubt Garrison, a town of 200 if that, will get any Chinese visitors...:laughing7:

I wouldn't worry about masks unless you live in a populated area. I think I'm safe, nobody comes to visit us, and I doubt Garrison, a town of 200 if that, will get any Chinese visitors...:laughing7:

As I have seen the last few days, it's not an air born disease. But people touch stuff and on and on.

Morning bart. Still finding stuff?

Good morning WD, rook, GB, RR, TC, RC, rc, beeps, ........

And good night Simon,.....

Congrats on the new truck.
In 2012 we traded my 2003 Monte Carlo SS for a 2012 GMC Canyon. We got $5500 for the trade. Didn't think that was too shabby. I loved that car and missed it tremendously, but I really loved my truck. Then in 2017 we traded the truck for an Acadia. At that time the used vehicles were the hot commodity. The Acadia was quite a few pennies more than what we paid for the truck, but because of the market it worked out that it only cost us $5,000 to own/drive that truck for 5 years. Now I blend in with all the other vehicles. A little too much. One time I went to the post office. I had my 2 older grandsons. They waited in the car while I went in. I came out and climbed into someone else's SUV. Those 2 laughed their butts off at Grandma! I was like, "Gee thanks for the shout out boys." That made them laugh harder. :BangHead:

On another note...

Did you hear on your other forum that there was another cheater in that fall brawl? Seems one of the placers didn't actually have a fishing license when he caught the fish. Went out and bought a license, kept the fish over night and the next day took it in to be weighed. Buggers! It's a darn shame, The guy that organizes the tourny puts in a lot of hours and hard work and money for that brawl. I wonder if this years entries will be down because of all this. :dontknow:

I bought a Colorado. They and the Canyon are referred to as "the twins" , or "the freenimies"... l.o.l..
Here's hopin the bugs are worked out ,the different fluid in the 8 speed tranny seems to have resolved their shudder...

It's nimble compared to the F-250 plow truck though ,for sure.

I didn't read much more about the brawl.
The East side is out of my wheelhouse/usual cruising range.

I doubt entries will suffer much.
A lot of those folks ill fish at the drop of a hat ,and fight over a can of beans as a prize. Just for the doins..
Why let a ne'r do well end that?
With the "combat" experience in some (and more) of their fishing , they figure there's buttheads in the world ,but why let that stop them.
My opinion only though....

I don't know who ran the tourney , but support of good folks comes into play. If it's a good outfit running the show , they'll do alright. You say the guy is hard working , that means he'll get support through attendance.

You could holler when it gets closer and I can check for scuttlebutt online.
And if any East sider gets feisty I can get em riled up ,but suggest they attend regardless. l.o.l..


I've been through the downturns before going back to the 1980's so been there and done that. I've also been writing covered call options to help offset things somewhat.

The young guy,.... he is all happy,... he is up $1,500.00

Here are some "UP" bets,..... 3M was just awarded a contract for a billion of those face masks,.....

Purell hand sanitizer, sales are off the map, shelves are empty all around town,......

Campbell soup flying off the shelf,..........

Clorox bleach,......... hard to find around town,... all bought up

So, pick up a rifle,..... and shoot the fish in the barrel.

I don't want to hear,...... all my investments are taking a dump,.....

If you had just simply "listened to the radio" on the way to work,......
you would be making money on this fiasco instead of taking a beating.

This country allowed itself to become so dependent on all that cheap chinese garbage,....

The US is their biggest customer,.... and now the chinese arn't shipping anything.

And, every country has banned shipments, boats, planes,..... anything from china.

I personally hope this caves in their entire economic system,.... dirty rotten communist bass tards.

"Better dead than red"

Good morning,Simon & goodnight, ARC, Rook, TC, Bill, RR, WD,GB, Sanman, RC, Bart, and our treaure finding, rum & soda chugging, fearless, bunch of cut throat beloved crew!

Very nice on the button find Bart congrats!

I see auto correct even gets the experts, second paragraph "wuhna"? :laughing7: so it's not just me!

How are you this morn Cap.? Any better? Have some chicken soup.

If the rest of you want to go out in public just take ARC or me with you...the store will clear in a heart beat and you can have your pick from the store shelves.

Now is the chance for other manufacturers to step in and fill the void left by China & make money.

This also makes me wonder if the Nigerian dude across the street got a heads up, he brought home 3 huge (large dog food sized) bags of rice 2 weeks ago.


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Good night Sanman :hello:

To soon to invest in pharmaceuticals ? :tongue3:

Hey Simon,.........

It's like this,......

and, I don't like it, but........

I come to find out that "Nearly All" of the ingredients, for nearly all of our medicines,........

Are imported from china.

And nearly all of the precursor chemicals to crack out the medicines we use every day,......

come from china,......

On another front,...... practically all of the "Rare Earth Elements",..... come here from china.

Look it up,..... it's almost as if you just have to reach out and pick up the money.

"This is what happens when you allow yourself to become very dependent on an enemy."

Dirty, no good, rotten, communist.......

I hope they all shmit their pants, choke, gasp, and drop dead,......

Of course I mean that in a nice way.

Oh,....... you may want to check the sales of "Corona Beer",....

Sales go any lower, they will just stop bothering to deliver it.

Yeah, sales are down that much,......

This also makes me wonder if the Nigerian dude across the street got a heads up, he brought home 3 huge (large dog food sized) bags of rice 2 weeks ago.

1.Take the money from your bank account
2.Buy food for minimum 3 month or more and make sure you can boil water to sterilize it
3. use the rest of the money to buy precious metals ASAP
4. if you life in larger towns, find a safe place out of town and bury food and stuff there too

It is the real deal now! I don´t make jokes!

This also makes me wonder if the Nigerian dude across the street got a heads up, he brought home 3 huge (large dog food sized) bags of rice 2 weeks ago.

Yeah, he got a heads up by listening to the radio, only he was paying attention,........

He wasn't concerned about the new I phone, or who has big screen TV's on sale.

He, was thinking about how to keep he and his fed,......

Ah but they still love us! One of their ship's fired an industrial laser at one of our military planes. Must be PO'd about something. ...and the best goes on.

Also heard Nigeria closed its boarders a week or so ago.
It would be a little easier to keep up if our news media would report "news" instead of who got what, who, & how in hollywood.
I could care less about what goes on in hollywood.

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