Good morning (well, it is here) all, especially the recent re-arrivers. As a newcomer, I need to catch up with some of these 'in-jokes'.
I would love to help you with those!
I am a nice, sweet, little old lady from Ohio. 2 kids and 5 grand kids. I work with my hubby and fish with him, and help him with an outreach program for veterans. Some peeps call me "WD" (no need to spell it all out) or "Sis" (which is cool, since I can't be called by my real name).
Alas, de pirates on de thread make me out to be some sort of rum drinking, floosy, drunken pirate wench aboard de pirate ship, RCT, where ARC is de Captain. Most'n 'im be drunk on rum and treasure, mostin' he be in de treasure room, passed out and **poofing**, stinking it up. Beeps and I, well, we be procurring de rum and stocking de rum room. What'ere dees pirates say 'bout us sneaking in while de Cap'n is passed out, and stealing rum and treasure, is total malrky! Bart keeps us supplied with fish and treasure. A very exciting pirate with exciting adventures to share. However, he will out you if you are trying to play like Mary Read and dress like a boy! Bill, oh Bill, he is a sly one. He keeps us well fed and educated on all types of subjects. He comes across as quite the gentleman, but trust me when I say, underneath all of that he be a pirate! GB1 and Rusty Relics, young, smart de be, li'l powder mokeyes! Dem get some purty good treasures too! Den, der be ECS, Rook, Simon (also a cabin boy), SanMan, and Tom, all rotten bloody pirates! Easier ta make 'em walk de plank, den to walk de straight and narrow! Der be much many pirates a comin' and goin' on de ship: Toecutter, Matal Arch, Rusty, er, I forgit, was it Rusty Gold (?), Worldtalker, Kiddo sumpin, sumpin,Relevant Chair, Peyton Manning and RTR (both MIA fer a spell), let me think... Er, Argh! I taint memberin dem all.
We be mutinous at times. Cap'n has suff'rd through a few of his ships. De sink from time to time, ya see. Bloody big pics and gifs be da cause. Worse den a cannon shot, so we found. Started a fireship. Named it Gifs, Pics, and More. Some of dees pirates just have to post dem silly gifs! Plus we use it to post our treasures. Host dem on de fire ship and link dem to dis thread. Dat way de fireship can sink and RCT can stay afloat. At least dats what we be hopein' fer it to be. We be liking to qoute piratey quotes and play piratey music videos. FYI, videos do not cause de ship to be sinkin'.
Jes be yur piratey self!
“Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.”
― Captain Jack Sparrow