THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Hey beepers,.......

While you wern't around I posted a running account of the mayhem and madness you
generated while down under,......

Bail was something we all pitched in on,.......

AARC provided the transportation.

I sold my classic Hot Wheels collection with the track and service station.

We all missed you,...........

And we started a foundation in your name,.....


Hope there is no "back fire" . That thermometer could put someone's eye out :laughing7:


Here's a remedy I used to take to help to break a cold or flu. Juice of 1 lemon in a good size glass, hot water, some honey and a shot of 1 oz of booze of your choice(optional). Drink it down and then hit the sack with lots of blankets. You'll sweat like a pig and toss and turn most of the night but it helps to speed up getting it out of your system.

Trust me it works!

Well I did the sweat thing... 4 layers and a big blanket.

Man I am delirious though... I woke up and thought it was Friday ... I mean really thought it was Friday.

Morning Btw.

Morning flu 2D4F8ABD-722D-4CEB-BA38-4FDAD2280968.webp doctors:laughing7:

Good morning (well, it is here) all, especially the recent re-arrivers. As a newcomer, I need to catch up with some of these 'in-jokes'. In the meantime, I will leave you with this. The last time I had the 'flu, the doc gave me some suppositories. For all the good they did, I may as well have stuck them up my...

Just heading into London for brunch and then a trip to the theatre (Tom Stoppard play). Still raining. Ugh!

Morning Red-Coat, ARC. Hope you are better with the remedies brought forth.

Morning Red Coat and Rook.

Arrrg ... clammy feeling.

I hate clammy feeling.

Fee like I slept in a clam.

Can someone explain this sign? We found this at the farm and this place was never been touched by my grandparents, and our place was once invaded by the **** and this **** is man-made and it is in the middle of our farm, and theres also a stone monument that looks like a monkey and a tunnel nearby.received_952686201812560.webp


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? ? ?

Good mornin all!!

JohnWick nothing is those pics suggest "man made" to me, maybe your seeing something I cant....

Red-Coat enjoy your foray to London town munchies and theater sounds like a nice treat.

Good morning (well, it is here) all, especially the recent re-arrivers. As a newcomer, I need to catch up with some of these 'in-jokes'. In the meantime, I will leave you with this. The last time I had the 'flu, the doc gave me some suppositories. For all the good they did, I may as well have stuck them up my...

Just heading into London for brunch and then a trip to the theatre (Tom Stoppard play). Still raining. Ugh!

Good morning Toecutter and the rest of the scallywags.


For a guy that swears he's going to be a life long bachelor you certainly seem to have more than your fair share of close encounters with the fairer sex...... :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

There is a weird reason for that. In my area of Kentucky, everyone has big families, sometimes up to six kids. So there are a ton of teens around here, and even more lil' rugrats to trip over.I am 10,000% straight, so I don't go looking for what the guys my age do, or even look like. My radar is occupied with other things. :occasion14::laughing7:

Folks I must "vent"...

Has / does anyone else ever found some of these shows that are on discovery or other channel's... "interesting BUT annoying" ?

What I mean is... the content of the show is great... but the way the show is put together over all... SUCKS ARSE !

Bad camera work... bad editing... repeat view and dialog over and over same thing or same but slightly different... as if they are just trying to "stretch and fill the hour.


I have LITTLE TO NO patience for repeating... let alone over and over.

AND... this "flashing" of camera shots is annoying and painful to the eyes.

I have started to avoid some of these shows that I would watch were they produced correctly.

Some of the voices guiding the show suck and put me to sleep... almost annoy me as well.


Just had to share / vent.

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