Gee I am not really in the loop.
I only worked a total of 4 yrs of my working days for somebody else.
I did it my way.
When I used to volunteer at a nursing home, was for people from 50 to elderly that had to be in there, they did a course which involved that crap. Then they were going to have me do the exact same scripted things others do and have done repetitively and mindlessly like robots for the patients. I said no, im here to be their friend and ill treat them that way, im not doing the bingo, im not doing the program. They gave me a go. I would take in dvds of movies a certain one liked and watch them eating chips with them having a laugh, download their favourite music onto usb sticks for them to listen to. Shop for them. Take some in wheel chairs down to the shops for a look around. One used to love Judge Judy, id sit with him and we'd kill ourselves laughing at the courtroom antics. Another got a gel shooter, small not like the ones here, and we'd close the door and shoot targets.

In the mean time others were going through the motions of bingo, sticking cut out pictures onto paper zombies.
We did have some fun. I cracked angry cranky George who didn't want to see anyone and kept his door closed. We became great friends, he'd still be cranky but in a nice way to me, we'd watch old westerns and Clint Eastwood movies, but I had to close the door still, he didn't like the others.
So yeah I bucked the sheep clone thing there and was a free roamer which they had never had. Bingo and cut outs, for men, were they serious!? Wasn't gonna happen with me. 😁