THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Buenos Dias mi amigos y's yet another day in [insert appropriate noun]...

The weather here is....cold and wet...just crap, and the crap will continue until late April.... or possibly even June.

Our bird of the day...the Wood Duck. Only one I've ever been able to get a decent pic of.

051912 179.jpg

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Good morning all. Says here where I live in Ohio says we are to get 7 to 10 inches between now and Tuesday :( YUCK !!!

Buenos Dias mi amigos y's yet another day in [insert appropriate noun]...View attachment 2187287

The weather here is....cold and wet...crap, and the crap will continue until late April or possibly even until June.

Our bird of the day...the Wood Duck. Only one I've ever been able to get a decent pic of.

View attachment 2187288
Great Picture DD They are beautiful ducks

My wood duck. I went in an antique shop and saw this duck, a Canada goose, and about a dozen blue gill all mounted and for sale. I didn’t think you could sell birds and fish like that so I asked the lady. She didn’t know but said a taxidermist had just moved into the area and brought them in to sell. I bought the Woody for $100. About a week later I decided to go back and buy a blue gill for my wall. The fish and goose were gone, confiscated by conservation police. The lady said the taxidermist was also arrested. Wow! That was 20 yrs ago and they haven’t come for my duck yet!🤣

Good morning everyone. Cold and raining here this morning. They’re calling for it to turn to ice first, then snow. Doesn’t sound like any fun.

Blooming flowers in January...go figure. Does brighten up the day though.. :occasion14:

Mornin all.

15 degrees F..
Rare decorative snow falling real slow. Only 2-3 times a year that I notice flakes at up to twenty yards that aren't the also rare cornflake sized.
But I've seen enough for the year if it quit...

Storm swinging W-E is running South of me here.
Stay safe for those of you in it.


That's hilarious, and it's somewhat universal..not just the South. I know people up here that absolutely refuse to drive if there's the slightest chance of snow. So far, our winter has been snow free, and we have not had the very cold temps we normally get this time of year. By very cold, I mean single digit or in the negative category. Seems we're averaging about 36F., breezy and constant rain/drizzle.

Makes it really suck to be outside..

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