Good morning
Weather says snow tomorrow. I hope to see some even though it probably won’t stick.
Weather says snow tomorrow. I hope to see some even though it probably won’t stick.
Great Picture DD They are beautiful ducksBuenos Dias mi amigos y's yet another day in [insert appropriate noun]...View attachment 2187287
The weather here is....cold and wet...crap, and the crap will continue until late April or possibly even until June.
Our bird of the day...the Wood Duck. Only one I've ever been able to get a decent pic of.
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Sounds like a slippery messGood morning everyone. Cold and raining here this morning. They’re calling for it to turn to ice first, then snow. Doesn’t sound like any fun.
Wow what an array of colours! Our wood ducks are just dull greys and black.Buenos Dias mi amigos y's yet another day in [insert appropriate noun]...View attachment 2187287
The weather here is....cold and wet...just crap, and the crap will continue until late April.... or possibly even June. View attachment 2187290
Our bird of the day...the Wood Duck. Only one I've ever been able to get a decent pic of.
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