Have you tried eating them? Some cultures get the majority of their protein from flies!
I watched a doco from Africa and they boil them in milk then drink it. I saw a show Extreme Fishing with Robson Green and he tried it and nearly threw up.
But hey joking about the Snow Flies.
Here at present they are in plague numbers when you get out of town into the bush. No way you can take anything to eat, they swarm your food and its a waste. We have been wearing fly nets here for weeks when out. I get at least one or two in my mouth a day out in the bush just between wearing the net and not. And every second day swallow one. 😕
This is a particularly bad year for them here. Some yrs they are no problem to need a net but others like this you would give gold for one.
They are worse in the bush than in town. Reason is they breed off of the Roo crap and other animals crap. Thankfully in town its 80% less than the bush.
Still though you gotta quickly close the door in and out. We recently had the lounge chimney and kitchen one capped with things to stop them. It was so bad that every single time we cooked blow flies were coming in by the dozens.
Was so bad we just ate microwave meals at night till they were capped, covered. Mornings were ok as they dont get their boogy on until they warm up.
But good grief, from lunchtime on it was nuts.
Man I hate flies 😡