THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Made it to the county seat U.S.D.A. office. Nabbed a test kit for C.W.D. in a deer out of their lobby.
Opened a door and let a gal there know.
Apparently, I should have read the instructions while there.
Fill out an online order form for each sample. Print a copy for each and include it in the envelope with samples.
I don't have a printer. Dammit.
We have an old one, left to die over it's addiction to ink. But it's not mine, nor hooked up to any working computer. And I highly doubt any usable ink exists therein.

Ahh well! More delay.

Hatchet Jack? 50 cal. Hawkin rifle. One of the best Westerns ever!

Jacks rifle has a custom brass hatchet/hawk shaped inlay.
When Jeremia is helping Del after unburying him he states that he wouldn't leave a man without a gun (rifle?)
Del asks Johnson (Johnston, and we know he knew it was Jacks rifle) , " ain't that Hatchet Jacks rifle?" And when acknowledged asks "where'd ya get it?"
Jerimia answers," found him froze to a tree."
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Been trying to tidy up the loose ends before the snow flies.
First freezing rain and now you get snow flies!? They must come in swarms by the sound of it as you seem in a hurry. Here the flies only really like the warm weather and we rarely see them in winter. Man you live in a very strange place.

Last week I met a guy at the feed store. I stated that I had missed his talk on old bottles, and his display.
I asked him did he purchase them, or dig them?

He stated that he dug a little bit, but the majority of them were purchased through various sales.

I asked him a few more questions, and threw a few knowledgable points his way.

Lets say it was a tennis/ping pong match-except I am playing Wimbledon, and he's a step above the Chimp in the lab playing that game of table tennis.(Be nice Pepper)

Well I kind of like this guy as much as most folks do-usual reply is "Oh Geez-Not Bob"

Anyways I showed him a few photos of some bottles-

"You should be giving talks and shows!"

Nope that will never happen. :laughing7:

Then detecting came up when he saw some pictures-then told him I found a gold coin a year ago.

"I have a metal detector"

What make?

Well where did you buy it?

"Canadian Tire"

Bounty Hunter
I showed him the burnt LC I found in the corn field that I just got a few minutes before.

"Gee I haven't found one yet"

Then I casually stated that I probably have 600-700 of them now.

"Can I go detecting with you?"

It's really a solitary past time that I really cherish-NOPE

Now this guy actually squirmed physically like a little girl, and asked me again.

Bile was burning the throat, and I just said I had to get going after another no.
I don't bile easily but I sure wanted a shower for some reason-YAK!
(He was a school teacher-and my vibe meter peaks looking at this guy)

I really thought about what if I was seen out in a corn field with that guy?
Move, crawl under a rock, deny and lie :dontknow:

I Love my dog more everyday-Truth.

First freezing rain and now you get snow flies!? They must come in swarms by the sound of it as you seem in a hurry. Here the flies only really like the warm weather and we rarely see them in winter. Man you live in a very strange place.
Oh you, and those FL'ers down south, just haven't lived until you experience the "Snow Flies"
Amazing sight-swarms so thick you can't see the hood of the truck-just like getting a big white Fleece thrown over your head.
Better yet turn on the high beams-Blinded by the light!
They fly in every direction, and can be light or wet and heavy.

Now a skiff is a nothing-and a dumping is a something.

Oh you, and those FL'ers down south, just haven't lived until you experience the "Snow Flies"
Amazing sight-swarms so thick you can't see the hood of the truck-just like getting a big white Fleece thrown over your head.
Better yet turn on the high beams-Blinded by the light!
They fly in every direction, and can be light or wet and heavy.

Now a skiff is a nothing-and a dumping is a something.
Have you tried eating them? Some cultures get the majority of their protein from flies!
I watched a doco from Africa and they boil them in milk then drink it. I saw a show Extreme Fishing with Robson Green and he tried it and nearly threw up.
But hey joking about the Snow Flies.
Here at present they are in plague numbers when you get out of town into the bush. No way you can take anything to eat, they swarm your food and its a waste. We have been wearing fly nets here for weeks when out. I get at least one or two in my mouth a day out in the bush just between wearing the net and not. And every second day swallow one. 😕
This is a particularly bad year for them here. Some yrs they are no problem to need a net but others like this you would give gold for one.
They are worse in the bush than in town. Reason is they breed off of the Roo crap and other animals crap. Thankfully in town its 80% less than the bush.
Still though you gotta quickly close the door in and out. We recently had the lounge chimney and kitchen one capped with things to stop them. It was so bad that every single time we cooked blow flies were coming in by the dozens.
Was so bad we just ate microwave meals at night till they were capped, covered. Mornings were ok as they dont get their boogy on until they warm up.
But good grief, from lunchtime on it was nuts.
Man I hate flies 😡

Eric Schmitt is bootysalvage on t-net. We never got along here....although i did apologize to him here.
You shoulda given chocolates, chocolates speak all languages. 😍
Chocolates say "hey, let's be friends" they say "oh, whats it matter lets detect together".
Except for those allergic to chocolate!
Then the language of chocolate becomes fighting words!
You didn't send him chocolates did you!?

You shoulda given chocolates, chocolates speak all languages. 😍
Chocolates say "hey, let's be friends" they say "oh, whats it matter lets detect together".
Except for those allergic to chocolate!
Then the language of chocolate becomes fighting words!
You didn't send him chocolates did you!?

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