Last week I met a guy at the feed store. I stated that I had missed his talk on old bottles, and his display.
I asked him did he purchase them, or dig them?
He stated that he dug a little bit, but the majority of them were purchased through various sales.
I asked him a few more questions, and threw a few knowledgable points his way.
Lets say it was a tennis/ping pong match-except I am playing Wimbledon, and he's a step above the Chimp in the lab playing that game of table tennis.(Be nice Pepper)
Well I kind of like this guy as much as most folks do-usual reply is "Oh Geez-Not Bob"
Anyways I showed him a few photos of some bottles-
"You should be giving talks and shows!"
Nope that will never happen.
Then detecting came up when he saw some pictures-then told him I found a gold coin a year ago.
"I have a metal detector"
What make?

Well where did you buy it?
"Canadian Tire"
Bounty Hunter
I showed him the burnt LC I found in the corn field that I just got a few minutes before.
"Gee I haven't found one yet"
Then I casually stated that I probably have 600-700 of them now.
"Can I go detecting with you?"
It's really a solitary past time that I really cherish-NOPE
Now this guy actually squirmed physically like a little girl, and asked me again.
Bile was burning the throat, and I just said I had to get going after another no.
I don't bile easily but I sure wanted a shower for some reason-YAK!
(He was a school teacher-and my vibe meter peaks looking at this guy)
I really thought about what if I was seen out in a corn field with that guy?
Move, crawl under a rock, deny and lie
I Love my dog more everyday-Truth.