Morning everyone

Close enough... yes damage is widespread... but could have been much worse had the storm hit us directly instead of south of us.Good morning ARC Just how close were you to Milton and was there much damage in your area ?
Enjoy the scenery, and have a good trip.8 hour drive back to Reno today.
Mornin Evan!Good morning everyone, I’m going to the woods for some treasure have a great day😀
Stringer material?Back in the day when I was a real life pirate.....ummmm...I mean an enterprising young islander, we built boats for the....uhhh.....decerning gentleman sport fisherman!! Yup !! We were the first to use 5 outboards !! Ahhhh.....the good old days !! We caught tons of groupers in this rig !! ..... square groupers !! 🤣🤣🤑🤪🤑🤪View attachment 2174909View attachment 2174910
Bring back something shinyGood morning everyone, I’m going to the woods for some treasure have a great day😀