The Mrs had a indoor task. Please can you hang the fire extinguisher?
Reply: Today is sunshine so I will be doing the outside work.
Reply: Well ok then, so you can hang the pictures back up then?
Certainly not a problem.
Yesterday was the digging around under the hay/grass for the potatoes.
Moles love potatoes it seems.
1st year of this type of planting and have a mixed review regarding it.
Easy peasy for retrieving. 95% are just laying on the ground.
Some have the green sun damage, some have the rodent damage.
Though over all the yield and simplicity of not digging the spuds was a winner.
I had already dug a couple of bushels.
So I am well set for my winter supply.
Got a few ? Squash, probably will become soup thickener.
This year was a challenge for Squash by all growers.
Wet August followed by a dry September.