THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Cool machine. You ever do work for boats?

Hill billy....almost my entire background in carpentry comes from the marine industry. I started very early building boats with my father. The lid I'm making now goes to a step box used for boarding and exiting the boat. I'll be making a new rocket launcher for one of the fishing boats this week. My partner handles most of the land based stuff, like stairway handrails, kitchen islands, and counter tops etc. We just made a nice mantle for a customer and then he never came back for it ???

Good morning Bart!
If you ever would be so kind as to share a story/memory of your youth and spending time with your pops.
I've always loved reading those kinds of things.
I didn't have that kind of relationship with my pops.
I dunno, is that weird ?
That I like reading about the happy memories of others ?

Be thankful!
Many people have a very difficult time hoping their bodies go into REM cycle of sleep.. that's when dreams occur.
Deep restful refreshing sleep!
Sounds wonderful.
May my wife and I have some ?

I don't go into REM often. I'm not an insomiac, but I do find it hard to be tired some days.

Good morning Rusty.
I've been trying to look through boxes of lead found over the years tecting..
When I was a boy, I found quite a few two and three ring bullets, both dropped and fired.
It wasn't until I joined Tnet years ago, that I even knew what they were.
So, since you seem to have a deep passion for those pieces of lead..(I know that they are way more than that to you)
I'm rounding them all up and then we'll figure it out.
I don't have anyone to pass them down to.
I believe I found at least 25, but not more than 40 total.
I just have to find them in mom's

Good morning Rusty.
I've been trying to look through boxes of lead found over the years tecting..
When I was a boy, I found quite a few two and three ring bullets, both dropped and fired.
It wasn't until I joined Tnet years ago, that I even knew what they were.
So, since you seem to have a deep passion for those pieces of lead..(I know that they are way more than that to you)
I'm rounding them all up and then we'll figure it out.
I don't have anyone to pass them down to.
I believe I found at least 25, but not more than 40 total.
I just have to find them in mom's

Mornin' Mike. Mom's houses are gold mines, lol! What state did you find them in? They may be Indian Wars, pre-war or Civil War.

17801902-1985-jeep-cj7-srcset-xxl.webp i would drive it:laughing7:

Here in Michigan.
In the late 70's.
I didn't know it then, but the area is a Spanish-American war training grounds and is designated protected nowadays with No metal detecting signs.
Good thing I and others were there before it was closed off to "no good treasure hunters"

If I am no good, how come the things I have removed from the decaying soil are preserved ?
It's been closed off for a long time and not a single excavation has been performed!
I guess they would rather let the relics rot!

Sorry..I went off the rails ranting!

For your pleasure Rusty and crew.
From the plaque.

This was once the summer camp of Michigan's National Guard. Here in 1898 the five regiments which were recruited in the state during the war with Spain were organized. Ten men volunteered for every one who could be accepted. Two of the units, the 33rd and 34th Michigan Infantry, saw action in Cuba during June and July, 1898, in the fighting around Santiago. The 31st Regiment served in the occupation of Cuba. The 32nd and 35th remained in the United States. Of the nearly 6,700 men who served in these regiments, 250 were fatalities. Most of these deaths resulted from disease, not battle action.

The plaque.

Here in Michigan.
In the late 70's.
I didn't know it then, but the area is a Spanish-American war training grounds and is designated protected nowadays with No metal detecting signs.
Good thing I and others were there before it was closed off to "no good treasure hunters"

If I am no good, how come the things I have removed from the decaying soil are preserved ?
It's been closed off for a long time and not a single excavation has been performed!
I guess they would rather let the relics rot!

Sorry..I went off the rails ranting!

For your pleasure Rusty and crew.
From the plaque.

This was once the summer camp of Michigan's National Guard. Here in 1898 the five regiments which were recruited in the state during the war with Spain were organized. Ten men volunteered for every one who could be accepted. Two of the units, the 33rd and 34th Michigan Infantry, saw action in Cuba during June and July, 1898, in the fighting around Santiago. The 31st Regiment served in the occupation of Cuba. The 32nd and 35th remained in the United States. Of the nearly 6,700 men who served in these regiments, 250 were fatalities. Most of these deaths resulted from disease, not battle action.

The plaque.

I was argu-er... debating with some British bloke, about metal detecting.. He called detectorists grave robbers, and tomb raiders. I pointed out the benefits of relic hunting, to which he blamed Catholicism for destroying history. (how did we get to religion??)

Anyways, he went on to say how relic hunters would gladly destroy fields for some precious relic, to which I replied "So you'd rather let the farm fields destroy history? Tractor plows and chemical sprays and soil will render many artifacts unidentifiable in the coming years. Is that what you want?" He gave up. Frankly I'm glad he did. It was getting boring.

I had a very vivid dream last night, and I woke up with my heart beating fast, and I said out loud, "Holy crap, she asked me about Grapeshot diameters!" and then I began to briefly look for a Diameter gauge that I neither have, nor exists... least you had a ready solution in hand with that "Diameter gauge"! least you had a ready solution in hand with that "Diameter gauge"!

It's funny, because early this morning I began to draw my own shot chart with some Geometry tools. I'll have to post later.

Good day crew mates!

Maybe a flame thrower on the vehicle, in front, make a nice "get out of my way" statement.

RR when they can't win a relic saving argument head on, they go sideways (religion).

HP, what makes you think theres only coffee in my coffee mug? Lol [emoji39]

Very nice wood working tools Bart. Does the router work on peoples too? There's a few i'd like to straighten out. [emoji16]

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BC i'll give ya my rem sleep, its been a little weird lately.
If i forget the TV on my brain incorporates what my ears hear into my dreams. I only know this because i wake up and remember the dream, other wise i don't remember dreams.
Self protectiom maybe...idk.

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I had a very vivid dream last night, and I woke up with my heart beating fast, and I said out loud, "Holy crap, she asked me about Grapeshot diameters!" and then I began to briefly look for a Diameter gauge that I neither have, nor exists.

I think I've been doing to much artillery math...

If only we had some way of measuring diameter :(

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