The Mrs came in and told me we might of lost a chick already.
It got out of the room somehow during the night.

It was cold in my hand, but it beak moved every minute.
Couldn't even detect if it was breathing.
It was a 2hr holding right at the wire guard of the heat lamp.
Turning it every few minutes.
Putting water drops on the side of the beak after each turn.
(sounds like I was basting it at Thanksgiving 🤣)
It stretched, moved, opened it's eye, finally, so I stuck the beak right in the water.
Well that woke it up, then it fell asleep again, drooping head.
Another water boarding event, okay 👍.
I guess it had enough of me try to extract the deep secrets, so started chirping.
Seems the temperature dropped 20F in the broader, because of drafts in the barn.
So I put a big circle of aluminum roll stock in a circle. Enclosed half with a sheet of plywood. 98F now on the last check.
9 out of 10 chicks were flat out 💤.
Will check every 1/2 hr now to make sure the weak one gets water and gets it's strength back up.
Close call for the little thing.
I know the question of this PM will be....
Did you get all the sanding done? 🤣