bill from lachine
Platinum Member
And here's a salad to try out.
Roasted beets and oranges.
Roasted beets and oranges.
Good afternoon Rusty.
How goes the driving and bottle finding?
No driving or anything today, it's raining. Monday, it'll be 65 and sunny, so my dad and I will be asking permissions for the little "furnace town" at the bottom of the ridge.
Boone Furnace would be the granddaddy of all permissions. The furnace was built in 1857, and closed down in 1871. It was captured by the Confederate 54th VA regiment, and liberated by the 117th Ohio regiment during the Civil War. Afterwards, a school and a church were placed on the spot during the 1800s, and were continued until about 1950. Nothing much remains now, except for a few houses. These houses were the homes (or built on the site of homes) that the furnace workers lived in.
The furnace had its own currency, in paper and in tokens, and I've heard somewhere that a small railroad serviced it by bringing in ore. There are dips and depressions in the woods on our property from the ore mining operations back then.
There is also a really cool, stone foundation log house we found yesterday, that is undergoing yard renovation. That'd be cool too.
Here's a bill from the Rairoad you were talking about. Heritage Auctions aren't cheap so odds are it went for a few bucks.
Generally steam locomotives and smelting furnaces used low grade coal with high iron content.
It just might drive your metal detectors bonkers....knock out iron and drop the sensitivity which should help. Good luck on your quest!
=========Simon abandoned us.
Hey y'all, glad to see everyone is still at it. I haven't been on here in quite a while, been busy with moving and new job, and new ex. Life is starting to calm down so I'll be back lurking around, always liked to check in here from time to time, you always keep it light and have a good time here, and there's always some entertainment to be had! Happy Saturday!
========Morning... sheesh you are the night watch.... I thought this had turned into a ghost ship.