THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

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Possible 2nd wreck just offshore of my first !! The satellite 🛰 has an eagle eye 👁 view !! Im foaming at the mouth for long, warm, sunny, crystal clear water days !! I missed almost the whole last summer, playing with fuel systems on the boat....really only got a few trips in at the end. So much to see and film underwater!! Want to hunt the big imperial helmet shells as much as wreck hunt, and dig gold jewelry !!

Scored my first gold ring of the year yesterday! Not the purdiest thing, but 14k and 4g.
Inspired by talk of walking path hunting success by a Tnetter I hit an old hiking trail that leads to a spectacular view. Also got 3 wheats.


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Good morning everyone, woke up to a cool -3⁰c

Hopefully you lot can warm up with some of that murky water called coffee.

Not sure if I'll get anything detecting done tonight in this cold as I'm running out of space to detect. No news on my permissions request yet.

Do have a thought, do advert boards work?

I'm thinking of registering with the NCMD and printing some mini leaflets with my details and a link to a website I'm working on (utility nothing fancy) where I can share details with the landlords of places I have permission for as well as publicly show off my collection so that people get interested in the possibilities.

Has anyone tried to get permissions this way? I've not had any luck running into the local farmers to ask permission directly and also kinda too shy for it.
Over thinking everything. Phone calls even are a hard convincing yes. A leaflet (advert boards)
Junk mail box.

This what has worked for me.
Direct face to face with the landowner.
Have a bit of knowledge regarding the property.
Know a little about farming/weather/yields.
Don't need to know alot, just an ice breaker.
Here is the specific info that you need.
Introduce yourself and say where you live.
(That helps establish that you are a local)
Ask if they own X fields.
They'll answer, and ask why.
Tell them the truth, that you metal detect to relax from the daily grind.
"I have permissions of X & X to metal detect PRE-POST of crops.
They might ask what you're looking for.
Be forward, buttons, horse tack, old lost widgets, and if lucky the occasional coin.
Make sure you include that everything dug is removed from the field.
All holes are filled and tamped in again
The biggest thing is trust, not to be damaging property, nor causing any stress for the land owner.
Then if there's no answer-just say.
"Do you think I could give it a go, to detect out there in the fields?
That is and will be then the owner to decide.
I have a 95+% average on getting a yes.
Many times the farmers will say.
"Well if it was OK with X then it's OK with me.

They might ask that check in, personally or by text. Pre going on the property.
They might ask to see the finds. (Rarely)
I've probably given up just about as much land permissions as I have currently and that sits at 10,000 acres of go anytime I please.
It's so relaxing to detect, walk past a fence line and carry on, crossing over to another and another.
When there's 3 or 4 different permissions side by side, the day isn't long enough.
Cards are good only for them to have your contact information.
I'm sure I left out lots of little details on this, as each one I tweak a tad.
Oh ya stroke the ego a tad.
Compliments on the beautiful operation, that always goes a long ways.

Scored my first gold ring of the year yesterday! Not the purdiest thing, but 14k and 4g.
Inspired by talk of walking path hunting success by a Tnetter I hit an old hiking trail that leads to a spectacular view. Also got 3 wheats.
My real name is James by the way.
Congrats 👏 on your first gold.

You detect in another world than mine.
You write of multiple facets of people , and places sort of.

I don't so well with permissions from my approaching folks. And part of that I tell myself is if someone knocked on my door or caught me in my yard and asked to dig holes in it.
Firstly , get out of my yard! L.o.l..
Secondly , my dogs are not going to like it.
Thirdly , I won't like it.
I don't want to mark where you can't dig , or keep track of what you're up to.

But farming , I've some experience with.
And similar to hunting permission on my property reserved for hunting (amongst other things) there are folks allowed. Most of whom have worked the site or what is on it.
Helping farmer isn't as simple as rolling up your sleeves and setting to it with a will.
But a pair of hands at the right time when needed is something else.
It's getting involved in a network of a culture . And farming is only one culture.
Maintenance can be a luxury in a struggling operation. A farm needing help with such I might fit in a bit at times. I'm not the worst grease monkey. And grease (and it's type) can save a farmer downtime and part replacement costs.
What you do might relate somehow. Farms can be a major enterprise with lots of moving parts from office to barn to fields.
That old place wanting paint wants paint sometimes because paint costs too much again this year. And who would prep and paint anyways?
You see a mailbox in want of a new post there's a reason. Can you replace it Beware , sometimes there's multiple reasons ! Like refusal of ground to yield to a post. You could still offer to look it over.

You're in a culture that at least used to applaud eccentrics at times.
A mysterious mystical detector and finder of lost things approach "here's my number".
Run your fliers if you like.
Get some cards printed up too.
Here's something with a card.
Hold a slick one. A cheap one.
Hold a good linen stock card . Compare.
Compare with your eyes closed.
IF you hand some one Look at them. Not the card.
Tell thyem (not ask them) to save the card.
They or someone they know lose a metal object you can give it a whirl for thier sake.
Someone curious about an old area or remains of a structure or debris in a field ect. they can now contact you to ferret out an answer perhaps.

IF someone dares )(and some times what they say isn't all that's going on but it's thier right to refuse in about any manner) explain they wouldn't be having heavy equipment digging holes in thier yard or you peeping in thier windows and cellar , that's on you to remove the excuses. Meaning you are selling yourself.

"You can feel free to join me if you like" is an offer. But look out as some folks by having there fear put asunder can suddenly get inspired. And next thing you know you are a pig finding them truffles. Not a bad thing. But etiquette can go out the window. Try not to impale a grabby hand with your trowel...

Any time digging is a concern or recovery methods are ...Be prepared and willing to give a demonstration.
And advise that off limit areas are only part of detecting.
Old farms (The best sometimes!) had strange things go on for the sake of lack of time or experience or who knows what.
Our codes here today put wires and pipes and such below the frost line.
Oh the fun I've had instead!
One abandoned (but a former resident and now part owner stopped to visit my detecting after her property caretaker had given me permission she didn't know about...) place I cut a wire that was buried about six inches!
Felt bad regardless.( That entire site is an open field today.)
A copper pipe in a park I found ...Repeatedly. l.o.l..
A stainless sink surround in another park about a foot deep. Where it remains quietly. Except when swung above.

Relax though. It is a hobby.
You are a fruitcake almost about it but it is a hobby.
It's bits of history. Some before they crumble or corrode so bad they lose context. But glimpses of the past.
Part of my detecting is explaining without it being complicated (as if I could complicate it anyways) what I do. But it's far more than "I".

My standard line might not suit you or your sites or the same people.
But I can say without seeming phony or insincere that history is under our feet and I'm just looking for anything older than I am.

"If you'd like a demonstration that's alright. And it won't obligate you granting permission after you see a recovery. I understand as I have a property too. (Slightly well detected so that expanding beyond is desired ; )but it is understood you wouldn't have a stranger running about roughshod on yours without concern."

Hear that? Yes. And again. That is leaning towards iron. with time ur guesses get more educated by signal. We're bouncing one from coil to object and back with machine making a best guess.
This one has numbers for a range. Which without sound would still give us a hint.
Ready? Here's how we hinge a plug. We're going to lift a sample of soil after we pinpoint as near as possible our target spot. Cut cut cut and...It looks like dirt then?
Here's a manual pinpointer and,, ,Hear it?
Louder as we get closer and... Nail. It's so old it's gotten blobby..
There's a family with a long history!
And styles vary over time.
But what would a farm be without them?
Well? We quit or keep going?

Any no. Or refusal. Or reason you won't be detecting. Always say, thanks for your time. You are representing the hobby.
Like others , once you start detecting permissions , word gets around. That word can quickly either open , or close doors.
You want to be more a harmless eccentric calculatedly poking about for foil tabs , than a maniac treasure hunter throwing flying elbows and throwing dirt..
A geek might be second best.
But again , relax. Share a tiny bit of your why. Be honest about it. And see the landowner or managers perspective. Far less trouble comes from telling people to move on!
Be a polite guest right out of the gate.
when you get a permission you want to ask where to park. It can really matter on a farm when you are on the opposite side where you're allowed and you are blocking a barn door or tractor turning radius.
A farmer wants a key left in the ignition , isn't that a fair trust? l.o.l.. It would be to me. Though I might take my other keys off the ring if there were any.

But if nothing else, relax.
Detectorist. Available by appointment.
who hasn't ever lost or looked for something a mystical machine that beeps when metal is in range couldn't help?

"Here. My card. Save it or pass it along to someone wanting help with a lost item or introduction to detecting on thier site."
Very well spoken, yeah I agree with all your points.

I don't drive ATM I used to ride a motorcycle but life being life decided I couldn't ride for 2 years and counting.

I have a landrover Freelander so once I get my license and fix the turbo (turbo core leaks oil) I'll be able to stop by a farmer on his field and politely introduce myself, my dad drives shady BMWs ans the only car in use ATM is a 3.5t truck (yhink U-hall vans) so unless it's an introduction by my current permissions it looks dodgy if I go up to a farmer with that.

My plan is to have my website functional, I'm newish to metal detecting since I only started properly in September last year and my website will reflect that as a hobby self built one that looks clean and is functional.

On it I'll have a proper introduction to the what and why's, a base list of questions and examples for people thinking about having a metal detector on their land (not me necessarily, just if it's ever crossed their mind what to look for as hunts for activity and potential)

It will also have my permissions and information I've found about them, lidar maps etc, these sections are by landlord for their field(s) I'm allowed on and are password locked.

As well as my collection with information about each item or them as a whole (item age, use, type and such)

My leaflets and businesses cards will be self designed but professionally printed double sided, nothing extravagant like metal business cards (will have a few for long term permissions, will show you later what I mean)

I don't want some cheap handwritten/self printed ones because they look dodgy, also wanna join the national council for medal detecting (government approved in UK) gives liability insurance as well with memberships.

Will talk more later as I'm working

Query: What's up with the device on the right that the peppers are growing in/on/under?
That's my AeroGarden. It's basically a little countertop hydroponics garden. The light above it is extensible so it starts out much lower and you keep raising it as the plants grow. Right now it's about as high as it can go. We've mostly used it for herbs and salad greens, but last fall I wanted to try growing some peppers in there. That's the bulk of what you see in the photo (there is some basil intertwined over on the right side, and some parsley getting overshadowed down at the bottom). The peppers are Anaheim peppers, started from seeds I saved from one we got at the grocery store. The plant in the photo is a bit leggy and droopy because it's getting so heavy from the peppers. I need to harvest them all again and let it grow some more. This would be the third major harvest of peppers from this plant. They keep well in the fridge after harvest, and this one plant has provided peppers all winter. It is interesting, the first crop was mild and sweet, but the older the plant gets, the more the peppers are heating up. The last few I ate were like giant jalapenos. I'm the only one in the house who likes hot peppers, so it works out in my favor.


Very well spoken, yeah I agree with all your points.

I don't drive ATM I used to ride a motorcycle but life being life decided I couldn't ride for 2 years and counting.

I have a landrover Freelander so once I get my license and fix the turbo (turbo core leaks oil) I'll be able to stop by a farmer on his field and politely introduce myself, my dad drives shady BMWs ans the only car in use ATM is a 3.5t truck (yhink U-hall vans) so unless it's an introduction by my current permissions it looks dodgy if I go up to a farmer with that.

My plan is to have my website functional, I'm newish to metal detecting since I only started properly in September last year and my website will reflect that as a hobby self built one that looks clean and is functional.

On it I'll have a proper introduction to the what and why's, a base list of questions and examples for people thinking about having a metal detector on their land (not me necessarily, just if it's ever crossed their mind what to look for as hunts for activity and potential)

It will also have my permissions and information I've found about them, lidar maps etc, these sections are by landlord for their field(s) I'm allowed on and are password locked.

As well as my collection with information about each item or them as a whole (item age, use, type and such)

My leaflets and businesses cards will be self designed but professionally printed double sided, nothing extravagant like metal business cards (will have a few for long term permissions, will show you later what I mean)

I don't want some cheap handwritten/self printed ones because they look dodgy, also wanna join the national council for medal detecting (government approved in UK) gives liability insurance as well with memberships.

Will talk more later as I'm working
Egads. You're way ahead of the game.
Nevermind me then.

Though if you showed up with a 3.5 truck I might be more welcoming! l.o.l...
I paid a farmer and his wife to haul a blind for me on thier big truck. Farmers know that value. And probably have something to haul.
They might have made enough in my case compared to farming to keep doing so for the builder.
They were from a ways away or I might have asked permission. I've done that to places I've done business with. And or bothered them for a free hat! l.o.l..( I get more hats than permissions.)

Egads. You're way ahead of the game.
Nevermind me then.

Though if you showed up with a 3.5 truck I might be more welcoming! l.o.l...
I paid a farmer and his wife to haul a blind for me on thier big truck. Farmers know that value. And probably have something to haul.
They might have made enough in my case compared to farming to keep doing so for the builder.
They were from a ways away or I might have asked permission. I've done that to places I've done business with. And or bothered them for a free hat! l.o.l..( I get more hats than permissions.)
Southern cowboy style hats? Then I need to pop over and ask you for one since you have so many :P

And no, any advice is helpful, sometimes even thinking the exact same thing can be changed depending on wording.

Eg. Ya mate I wanna find shit on your field with ma detector
Have you ever had or considered trying some metal detecting on your fields? If you're interested we could meet up and potentially find something historically significant for the area/your property perhaps, at the very least we will have some fun and you get an introduction to the hobby.

And fair enough tho the farmer I work for owns a transport company (3.5t to full HGVs) and is well known so doubt I'll have any luck transporting stuff xD

Southern cowboy style hats? Then I need to pop over and ask you for one since you have so many :P

And no, any advice is helpful, sometimes even thinking the exact same thing can be changed depending on wording.

Eg. Ya mate I wanna find shit on your field with ma detector
Have you ever had or considered trying some metal detecting on your fields? If you're interested we could meet up and potentially find something historically significant for the area/your property perhaps, at the very least we will have some fun and you get an introduction to the hobby.

And fair enough tho the farmer I work for owns a transport company (3.5t to full HGVs) and is well known so doubt I'll have any luck transporting stuff xD
Ballcaps. Trucker style caps.
No ,no cowboy hats.
(My big head they probably wouldn't carry my size. )

One motor company hat.
One seed / feed mill hat.
An equipment hat. (Tractor)
Car dealer.
Landscaping place , that shares my first name.

It's funny cause buying hats makes them not cheap.
But free advertising or just getting the character asking (me) to wear one (or just go away) seems worth it. L.o.l..
The feed mill seemed confused , why I can't understand but they eventually found one. Then a price wasn't going to be figured out too so they just gave it to me.
Now me , I'd be selling seed/feed mill hats at the old seed/ feed mill.
(They however wear hats from thier suppliers it seems. I wonder if they have to ask for them?)

And when decent money is on the table, a ball cap type hat is chump change.
A friend and I who I insisted needed to ask for a hat when he bought large ticket items and finally caught on , used to compare how expensive certain hats were!
He always seemed to win of course because I'm poor enough to be cheap.
But my head is covered anyways...
Of late by a stretchy hat a spearing company business logo is on a friend who I share venison with gave me from his business. With asummer cap too.
No , I didn't ask for them. He's just a good man.
Swears like the former sailor /water pilot tugboat operator among other things he was. But good about hats!

Ballcaps. Trucker style caps.
No ,no cowboy hats.
(My big head they probably wouldn't carry my size. )

One motor company hat.
One seed / feed mill hat.
An equipment hat. (Tractor)
Car dealer.
Landscaping place , that shares my first name.

It's funny cause buying hats makes them not cheap.
But free advertising or just getting the character asking (me) to wear one (or just go away) seems worth it. L.o.l..
The feed mill seemed confused , why I can't understand but they eventually found one. Then a price wasn't going to be figured out too so they just gave it to me.
Now me , I'd be selling seed/feed mill hats at the old seed/ feed mill.
(They however wear hats from thier suppliers it seems. I wonder if they have to ask for them?)

And when decent money is on the table, a ball cap type hat is chump change.
A friend and I who I insisted needed to ask for a hat when he bought large ticket items and finally caught on , used to compare how expensive certain hats were!
He always seemed to win of course because I'm poor enough to be cheap.
But my head is covered anyways...
Of late by a stretchy hat a spearing company business logo is on a friend who I share venison with gave me from his business. With asummer cap too.
No , I didn't ask for them. He's just a good man.
Swears like the former sailor /water pilot tugboat operator among other things he was. But good about hats!
Reminds me of when I was at ridgeons (now Hews Grey) a materials supplier and basically people that would spend a lot got gifted t-shirts & hats with their logo on. So one cold morning I was there with the hat and an elderly guy came up to me and asked some questions, I politely answered and then informed him of the actual store worker and his face was so confused then I explained and he understood and asked for a hat too!

Not like a cap one, one of those winter hats to keep warm

Anyone up for metal stew? Copper, brass, lead and tin are today's special meal. literally found a pot today unfortunately not full of gold

few random unknown bits and a small piece of lead were today's finds with a probably modern shotgun cap as find of the day. Very detailed gun cap which unfortunately I left the finds in the barn by the shovels so at least it's safe but can't take a better look at it tonight.

by the time I finished digging the ground was frozen on the surface


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Southern cowboy style hats? Then I need to pop over and ask you for one since you have so many :P

And no, any advice is helpful, sometimes even thinking the exact same thing can be changed depending on wording.

Eg. Ya mate I wanna find shit on your field with ma detector
Have you ever had or considered trying some metal detecting on your fields? If you're interested we could meet up and potentially find something historically significant for the area/your property perhaps, at the very least we will have some fun and you get an introduction to the hobby.

And fair enough tho the farmer I work for owns a transport company (3.5t to full HGVs) and is well known so doubt I'll have any luck transporting stuff xD
"Have you ever had or considered trying some metal detecting on your fields? If you're interested we could meet up and potentially find something historically significant for the area/your property perhaps.

Geez Martha look at this, I got 1000 acres to sow, going 16hrs a day 7 days a week-am I interested in this metal detecting?Hell no.

What's this about "historical significance?"

Bloody hell Martha, they might slap a historical destination on our land.
We can't have them digging up my fields.
Here stick this in the stove, I got get back planting "

This is a whimsical take on what could happen.

I used that term once, the permission was denied. "We don't want no frigging historical designation slapped on my land"
Yes it will never be used again.
Just trying to give a little guidance, not telling you what you believe is the right way.
Life experiences do have credibility.

"Have you ever had or considered trying some metal detecting on your fields? If you're interested we could meet up and potentially find something historically significant for the area/your property perhaps.

Geez Martha look at this, I got 1000 acres to sow, going 16hrs a day 7 days a week-am I interested in this metal detecting?Hell no.

What's this about "historical significance?"

Bloody hell Martha, they might slap a historical destination on our land.
We can't have them digging up my fields.
Here stick this in the stove, I got get back planting "

This is a whimsical take on what could happen.

I used that term once, the permission was denied. "We don't want no frigging historical designation slapped on my land"
Yes it will never be used again.
Just trying to give a little guidance, not telling you what you believe is the right way.
Life experiences do have credibility.
No I totally agree, I asked my permissions when I started finding 400+ year old finds if they'd like them registered with the PAS and they said no they don't want anything to do with the museum.

Such a shame because some of my finds are like everyone else's but I have at least one items that the PAS would love to register as it's not one they have ATM

No I totally agree, I asked my permissions when I started finding 400+ year old finds if they'd like them registered with the PAS and they said no they don't want anything to do with the museum.

Such a shame because some of my finds are like everyone else's but I have at least one items that the PAS would love to register as it's not one they have ATM
:icon_scratch:???An automated teller machine (ATM) is an electronic banking outlet that allows customers to complete basic transactions without the aid of a branch representative or teller.

No I totally agree, I asked my permissions when I started finding 400+ year old finds if they'd like them registered with the PAS and they said no they don't want anything to do with the museum.

Such a shame because some of my finds are like everyone else's but I have at least one items that the PAS would love to register as it's not one they have ATM
Here's another permissions quote:

"Jim you know that you can detect my 700 acres anytime you like.
Because I know what you see on my farm will stay on my farm"

In other words he doesn't care what I find, just don't advertise it.
Then again I don't have to report any treasures over here like you are required to do.
The 300 yr old 10% silver/gold requirements.
So what's the plan when you unearth a 2000 yr old gold Roman ring, or a Torc?

Landowner doesn't want you to, but the law says different.

A possible future event.

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