THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I found some silver and some glass at a flea market yesterday. I've seen some massive thrift store scores here, and this wasn't that big a deal, but I think it was pretty decent. More details here.

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Lady changed lanes and hit my car on my way home from work. She got out and said why'd you hit my car? Funny how she's the one that got the ticket...
If she said that, it must not have been her first rodeo ride.
Amazing how quick thinking some are.
It's just a pain in the butt getting the repairs done, and the vehicle takes a beating on the resale because of the accident.

I prefer those to a Lobster, yummy.
Back in the 70's we would go down to the docks and buy the black garbage bag crabs $3 each.
Something to do with the size :dontknow::laughing7: Those and a fillet on the barbecue was a great feast.
I'm jones'ing for a crab now.

I got snow,gusty wind.
And a vet appointment per a note here.

Back isn't happy. Delivery of fifty pound box yesterday I got into the house.
Neighbor texted, hey you get our packages?
(They got ours a while back.)
Crap , I didn't check the labels!
lift the heavy box to take it outside. Down the ramp. ANNd goodbye back hello mega pain again.
So I'm feelin all Christmassy.
Open door to shovel for the dogs and the shovel is halfway down the house. Which is rather far from my reach.
Still haven't cleaned the dirty oil stains out of the carpet from wheelchair bearings last time I was in too much snow.

So , the back is done and it's time to shovel out front and clear off vehicles I guess.
I don't want to know why the vets today. Hoping it's not an old dog not earing enough ... But I should know. and why today in this crap?>
L.o.l..Ahh well.
Not too hot out today anyways.
I guess we should be used to this winter crap, but it seems no matter what preparation is made, there’s always something that makes it crap! Crappy! Crap! Have you tried using coke ( the soda not the other white stuff) on the carpet stains? Heard that is a wonder fix. Makes a good, juicy, tender roast, also.

I guess we should be used to this winter crap, but it seems no matter what preparation is made, there’s always something that makes it crap! Crappy! Crap! Have you tried using coke ( the soda not the other white stuff) on the carpet stains? Heard that is a wonder fix. Makes a good, juicy, tender roast, also.
Gee RC is man with many lines to deal with.

Well here's my sales pitch for the day.

I having been using this product for many years, seems that on certain things it's brilliant.

Not sure if it's available in your stores.
I can only speak for the green one though.

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Honey? You got this a while?
I'll be back in a couple days.
Headed to Onterio for some spray cleaner...
Spring ice out and fun fishing time I find a bottle of spray in the truck and remember I have a home in America.
Hide the bottle ; and go fishing.

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