THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Softy :laughing7:

I would do a subtle approach in protecting the treasure from this feathered pirate.

Just bring out a pot
Point at pot
Point at treasure chest
Point again at pot
Nod the head slowly
Say real gently "Catch my drift?"

Animals are smart, they know things we don't.
Ha… i think u have been hanging out with First Scallywag RC too much 😬 xxx

Imagine detecting along the soft sugary sands
Lost in ones thoughts and look up and see this.
I'd probably just crap me self.

Morning RC
Have we been hanging out?
We did both go shopping yesterday and frolicked about in public.
Not quite a wild party , but enough to confirm why we're not doing so again today....

That's kind of hanging out. Even if we weren't elbow to elbow.
Same wind on the same ocean anyways.
Public crowd mostly looked like they were gritting thier teeth. I didn't ask why and wasn't even relieving anyone of jewelry or wallets.

What happens t problem pigeons....Squab.View attachment 2119056

pigey woo has skilz….. … just saying…. 😬


OMG !! Major, major, bruh ha ha !!
Apparently one of the coins that we found in my 1733 cache might be a major error coin from the first Mexican pillar dollars ever produced !! People are already assuming major money 💰 ..... its not mine, and came from some of the others collected by some friends.....take a look at the floating pillar !!! The right pillar is floating above the other pillar dollars that were found in this cache, are like this !! Oh brother!! My man might have something incredible, from my cache !!

It's only been now....several years after the dig, that everyone involved....except 1.....has had enough time to put the pieces together, and add up the true number of coins, and "other" treasures !! By .y current count, I believe that between about 6 of us we got over 17 pounds of coins !! 1 guy won't talk or show its not a 100% accurate tally. Out of all the pillars found,.....none are like this !! Trying to verify with the archive in Mexico, and some 8 reale collectors currently.

Had I not explained, and teamed up with these guys many coins would have been dumped with sand and fill, and some were. This freaking wild ass ride of treasure, just keeps going !! Every one of us got treasure in that adventure and we are a fraternity now !!

Apparently one of the coins that we found in my 1733 cache might be a major error coin from the first Mexican pillar dollars ever produced !!
That's got "banner" written all over it. Outstanding find!

Had I not explained, and teamed up with these guys many coins would have been dumped with sand and fill, and some were.
I'm sure everyone is thinking "where did they dump the sand"? 8-)

That's got "banner" written all over it. Outstanding find!

I'm sure everyone is thinking "where did they dump the sand"? 8-)
I posted a pic in my banner thread already of this one new or noticed this anomaly until this morning!! This coin is getting mounted by my friend, and that's when the jeweler noticed!! Coin was found 70 miles from where the sand was dug....I pleaded with the owner and workers to search the sand....they did, and everyone got stuff....we found all ours right there as they dug at the site !! Many coins were found by a few road crew....I hooked those guys up !! Everyone was so jacked for the whole week digging treasure in the sand !!

Damn that was a blast....thats islamoradamark in one shot, and I realize I was wearing a coin already from this spot !! What a horde of coins !!


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I posted a pic in my banner thread already of this coin....
Wow -- I hadn't seen that thread before (it was from before I joined the forums), but now I have. Wow. It's just stunning the kinds of things you find. Thanks for sharing them -- gives us land-locked midwesterners something to dream about. :icon_thumright:


Good morning everyone, look at ol Blak Bart always having the most interesting treasure adventure. (Me in California goes to parks and school a bag full of can slaw and pull tabs is my treasure horde lol)

Good morning everyone, look at ol Blak Bart always having the most interesting treasure adventure. (Me in California goes to parks and school a bag full of can slaw and pull tabs is my treasure horde lol)
Hey you’re ahead of me. My usual haul is railroad spikes and square nails.

But I’m still having a blast.

More pics of the ring face for those interested. I'm probably nerding out for nothing about it probably junk with my luck. Also do any of you think I'd be safe ro tooth pick the crust of it? I have no idea how to get that encrusted dirt off
I found this brass ring last year and it was very cruddy looking like yours. A few minutes in the electrolysis bath and all the crud wiped right off.


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I found this brass ring last year and it was very cruddy looking like yours. A few minutes in the electrolysis bath and all the crud wiped right off.
That one is awesome. I suppose I could rig up electrolysis not too hard to do

View attachment 2119058
OMG !! Major, major, bruh ha ha !!
Apparently one of the coins that we found in my 1733 cache might be a major error coin from the first Mexican pillar dollars ever produced !! People are already assuming major money 💰 ..... its not mine, and came from some of the others collected by some friends.....take a look at the floating pillar !!! The right pillar is floating above the other pillar dollars that were found in this cache, are like this !! Oh brother!! My man might have something incredible, from my cache !!

It's only been now....several years after the dig, that everyone involved....except 1.....has had enough time to put the pieces together, and add up the true number of coins, and "other" treasures !! By .y current count, I believe that between about 6 of us we got over 17 pounds of coins !! 1 guy won't talk or show its not a 100% accurate tally. Out of all the pillars found,.....none are like this !! Trying to verify with the archive in Mexico, and some 8 reale collectors currently.

Had I not explained, and teamed up with these guys many coins would have been dumped with sand and fill, and some were. This freaking wild ass ride of treasure, just keeps going !! Every one of us got treasure in that adventure and we are a fraternity now !!

Floating pillar.
Bet I'd not have spotted it either unless someone slapped me and told me to compare it to others for awhile..
Well at least the jeweler noticed.

Yesterday's Arizona desert adventure was a blast. 72 and sunny, and the site was waaay bigger than I thought it would be. There were foundations of all sorts of buildings, water tanks, stamp mill, etc.
I started around one foundation on the outskirts of the compound and never made it farther in. There was weird hardware and stuff everywhere. It looks like the mine was in operation until WW2.


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