THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Rooms that rent for $250 are demanding $2000.
They estimate that it will boost the local economy of Toronto by $250 million dollars.

Personally if a person paid me $$$ I wouldn't lower my values.
Yes, we hear that here with events "oh, but its great, it will boost our economy by millions". Technically that's true. But. Take our Melbourne Cup horse race today. "The race that stops a nation" they say. News shows luxury cruisers from all over the world coming to Victoria Melbourne loaded with the rich and famous from all over the globe. Oil Sheik billionaires, tech billionaires, movie stars, singers, you name it. But do the poor and homeless see any boost? No, they get zero, zip, nothing changes from today from the last day to tommorw or into the future. Who gets the boost? The luxury food caterers, the luxury hotels, the betting Industry, the luxury everything for the rich. There is utter crap advantage for anyone else. There is no boost for the economy for the average person, its smoke n mirrors saying it is.
It makes me sick when I hear that here.

GOOOOOOOD MORNING! 4:25 am and ready to start my day as a Poll Worker in the most Important election of my life!
God Bless Donald J. Trump, God Bless America!

Good morning all. It's a lovely rainy day to vote. (We've had rain here since Sunday, closing in on six inches of rain total. It's pretty soggy out there.)

Good morning everyone. Heading to the polls. I hope it makes a difference. I have to admit, I have my doubts (serious ones) about the integrity of our elections. That being said I will vote & hope for a good outcome for our wonderful country. :coffee2: :usflag: :wave:

Well hopefully that everyone will just see a beautiful color as this for today.

I am glad to see you are a soothsayer weather forecaster...
Glad because you see whats gonna happen before THEY even know what will exactly happen.

Never in the history of hurricanes has a forecast EVER been correct 100%.

In fact... several days ago as you say....
They had not even predicted development... let alone it being a hurricane.

SO...... :P


I am glad to see you are a soothsayer weather forecaster...
Glad because you see whats gonna happen before THEY even know what will exactly happen.

Never in the history of hurricanes has a forecast EVER been correct 100%.

In fact... several days ago as you say....
They had not even predicted development... let alone it being a hurricane.

SO...... :P

They are your nemesis I'll grant you that.

Weather forecasts.... AT BEST....... ANY (including yours) weather forecast is ONLY ever good to a MAX of three days.
And that is the BEST case scenario.

Hurricanes however..... are a whole other matter.
The forecasts are generally close....
BUT... they are always just guesses based on other factors,
The other factors change...
It changes.
This is only measured using real time OR predicted real time measurements.

Meaning the margin of error is getting smaller as technology improves but technology can only analyze and predict using current real time data.
IF the real time is not known due to the fact ,,, err tHE MAIN fact... that it has not happened yet..... errr errrr not currently happening yet....
Then that data is also subject to a constant margin of error that is that X factor.

Mother nature will do what it wants to do....... period.
Aint nothing we can do but to try and and read the next move based on current moves happening now based on trying to reading what MIGHT be happening later.

As of yet...
One thing we Floridians have learned over and over through history is...
Trust nothing until nothing happens.
Step around it. Step around it.
Running, when a tree you cut is falling and it takes an unexpected turn.,.No. Step around it.
I hate dropping much of a tree any more because I can't run.
But I can still get around it if changes course. Oh , watch for it to barberchair too of course. Just in case a witch is involved.

Leaf slapped me in that two day wind last week. And stayed in place the wind was strong enough. Then another.
Now I'm on a tractor in the woods eyeing certain trees.
About that time a branch dropped on me.
No fault of the trees. Or the woods. Or the wind. Or the weather.
Not the time to be there not watching though.
Step around.

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