THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I got a good report from my dermatologist.....she was amazed that I have no significant skin problems after 30 + years of everyday sun exposure. Most fisherman are ate up with the skin cancer at my age. I was given a buff many years ago and ware one most of the time I'm fishing. I was one of the first guys to ware them....and it was probably 3-4 years before everyone else started to ware them. That and the fact that I havnt worn a short sleeved shirt in 25 years has kept my skin cancer free. I also rarely put sun screen on. Long sleeves and a buff are the way to go !!

Good call on the hat and long sleeves Bart. I always wear my fedora when I'm fishing or duck shooting. Oh, and sunglasses. Last time I saw the opthomologist for an exam he says to me "Gee, I can't believe how fast your cataracts are progressing!"

I said "What!? When did I get cataracts!? ??? Next time I go in there I'm going to say "Hi Doc! Long time no see!" :laughing7:

I got a bit of astigmatism and between the sun glaring off the water or the snow I gotta squint a lot despite wearing glasses. Good news was I don't need bifocals quite yet, and I'm not as myopic as I used to be. I think I'd still wear glasses all the time even if I had 20/20 vision. For safety, you know, because I get hit in the face pretty often.


Good idea about the sunglasses. I wear them all the time now when outside regardless of the weather. This is on the advice of my optometrist.

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Oh, right Bill, I meant optometrist. I always get those confused.

Last time I saw the opthomologist it was because I caught a flake of steel and a few tiny
bit pieces of cut off wheel in my iris at work.

Anybody here ever need to get a foreign object drilled out of their eyeball? I did. First they doped me up just enough to make me woozy, then they clamped my eye open Clockwork Orange style. He put my head in a vise on a table while I was sitting down and the doctor has this little horizontal drill press looking thing clamped to the vice. It sucked!

Ended up with a scar on my iris but it's far enough from center of pupil that I don't notice it. Full face sheild on my hard hat and that little peice of steel still got up under my glasses.

Ya I did the same thing with a piece of fiberglass. Same procedure but no drilling....just digging around with tweezers.

my kids favorite song these monkey.


I can imagine not a pleasant experience to go through. Just to give you a chuckle at my expense my current optometrist is a fairly young guy probably mid 30's or so.

Well my first experience with him he must have been distracted because when he wanted to check my eye up close by putting that cup thingy up against the eye he forgot to put the numbing drops in my eye first. You should have seem me jump back when that thing touched my eyeball....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Not many singers can do this song justice....this guy does a great job worth a listen!

Maxi Borgaro-Unchained Melody.


I purchased a paint marker (wipes off with nail polish remover) for highlighting the embossing on some of my bottles. It works fairly well. I'll post pictures in the am.

Ya I did the same thing with a piece of fiberglass. Same procedure but no drilling....just digging around with tweezers.

The ER referred me to the eyeball surgeon after he had tried digging it out with a spud and a swab but couldn't get it all. I had thought I was uncomfortable before, with every time I blinked I could feel my eyelid catching on the sliver. After he started poking around I was about ready to scream. Didn't hurt, just very, very uncomfortable. The ER Dr was real reassuring though- "You are doing a great job hold still!"

Well yeah, he was sticking a freaking needle in my eye! I bit my tounge cause I didn't want to distract him.


Orion is out tonight.

This is a golden oldie....A dj once said it only became a hit because it was so long compared to all the other songs back then that were under 3 minutes.

The djs would play it so they could have a washroom or cigarettes break back in the day.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Good night GB see you bright and early in the a.m.

Reveille sounds at dawn!

Or when I feel like getting up. :laughing7:

Morning TreasureNet Crew.

Argh. Morn'n, Cap.

You need to put some body else on the search for Beeps and take Simon off! That scoundrel came right up alongside my hammock after his scouting swim, and shook all the water off!

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