I'm going back....only once in a while that a guy can go to a beach and maybe hit a pot hole in the rocks and sand that might have 10 or 20 gold dabloons, or pieces of eight !! That could be substantial !!.......ya know.....big boy treasure.....not a cobb in a cornfield !!
Oh oh.
I'll take a cob if you know where ones hiding near me. L.o.l......
The possibilities when leads are solid.
Then being on some of those remote sites you hit...
And imagination gets the boot and reality becomes quite real. Only the difference in time having passed ; and traffic.
I write that confidently after my big silver potential almost sure bet adventure years ago thumped on the ground with a groan upon finding the sites having been invaded. Or better put , near buried in equipment and horses wandering about within the equipment. And a newer (since the original homestead) home and buildings.
Granted I needed to narrow things down to a small area. But apparently a heck of a lot of equipment can fit on an acre or so. And horses can fill in the gaps. L.o.l..
I just couldn't knock on a door. It felt to laughable just imagining trying to swing in that mess , let alone get through it. And I didn't want to explain why I was really there beyond a detecting hobby and a former old homestead there. "There" (the X) likely being buried under more junk. (And I like junk. Just not where I might detect.)
Asking anyone to move metal stuff out of the way was not going to happen. If they didn't run me off for knocking in the first place.
I bet I could hide something metal pretty good on such a site though!!!
Ahh well. Next!
A lonely open cornfield with a cob?

Hook me up!