THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Bill, I owe you a debt of gratitude for finding that for me. Now that I know the key search words I can link to find special regulations for other species too! Thanks!

That is kind of funny funny about the left turn on a red. Here in FL U-turns have the right of way on a green light. BUT, not from the south bound right hand lane crossing the south bound left hand lane to turn north, so far as I know. :dontknow:

Hmm, I'll have to try to learn to steer a wide berth around Ontario liscenced vehicles.

No worries. : )

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My parents are going down to North Carolina tomorrow... to look at a goat. But this is no ordinary goat, oh no! This is a monster! If I had to describe it, I'd have to take an excerpt from the NAON Version bible - New As Of Now.

3rd Revelation Chap. 36: 1-6

1. And the fifth angel opened the fifth seal, and a I heard a voice say "Come and see".

2. And I beheld a great white beast, and behold, it's eyes were as a raging fire, and out of its mouth breathed pillars of smoke. It's belly was as a furnace, and its legs as cedars.

3. It moved swiftly as a Velocipede, and swept down upon the nations.

4. The rich men, the great men, and the kings all fled in terror, seeking a hiding place from the beast, and were sore afraid when there was no refuge at hand. They cried out in vain "Is there no refuge from this terrible beast, which has come to eat us, and use us a picks for the teeth?"

5. Lo, the beast has horns, that swirl magnificently, like the Dancehall girls of Giza. The beast has rage within its belly, and hatred in its heart.

6. The name of the beast is Gunther, and the number thereof is 665 1/2.

I may be exaggerating a little bit, but seriously, this animal is a monster.


My parents are going down to North Carolina tomorrow... to look at a goat. But this is no ordinary goat, oh no! This is a monster! If I had to describe it, I'd have to take an excerpt from the NAON Version bible - New As Of Now.

3rd Revelation Chap. 36: 1-6

1. And the fifth angel opened the fifth seal, and a I heard a voice say "Come and see".

2. And I beheld a great white beast, and behold, it's eyes were as a raging fire, and out of its mouth breathed pillars of smoke. It's belly was as a furnace, and its legs as cedars.

3. It moved swiftly as a Velocipede, and swept down upon the nations.

4. The rich men, the great men, and the kings all fled in terror, seeking a hiding place from the beast, and were sore afraid when there was no refuge at hand. They cried out in vain "Is there no refuge from this terrible beast, which has come to eat us, and use us a picks for the teeth?"

5. Lo, the beast has horns, that swirl magnificently, like the Dancehall girls of Giza. The beast has rage within its belly, and hatred in its heart.

6. The name of the beast is Gunther, and the number thereof is 665 1/2.

I may be exaggerating a little bit, but seriously, this animal is a monster.

So this is a holy goat.

Morning tnet membership.

Happy fishing, Duckshot. Don't forget the sunscreen.

Morning ARC, WD, RR, Simon.

Good morning Simon!

A fine, intelligent doof- gentleman such as yourself, would gladly jump upon this opportunity at hand! Think of it! You'll be the talk of the town, the pride of the ladies, revered among collectors!

YOU sir, need a bottle. Not just any bottle - THIS BOTTLE!

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At about ten known examples, THIS bottle is the key to success! The fame of owning such a bottle will spread far and wide!

Are YOU ready to change your life?

Normally I would sell this at about $1,000, but just for you, and you only, I'll be willing to let it go at $500. Just because you're my friend.

No? You sure? Okay, okay, don't get so angry about it! :laughing7:

I couldn't do a Penny less than $ 750.00.

I WENT TO the circus as a little child and saw a guy eating glass. It wasnt a pleasent site. Wonder how it taste. :laughing7:

Hey Simon. Wb. :)

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