Hello Hello Hello

How is everyone?? I've missed the daily T-Net crew and all the Shenanigans

So I Hope You're all still Here or at least kicking dirt around 💩
Tis the season for me to Work work work and little play which can leave a Pirate with a dull sword 🤔... But Life is GOOD... Slowly catching up here a little at a time, and seeing you guys and gals also busy. Looking at some really nice finds here... yes looking over at you Blossom

Wow.... Yeah Bart your making me jealous too 🛥️ 🎣 🐠... Hate I missed meeting you but we'll catch up soon enough Captain....(Safe travels) I do Hope the rest of you are great as well 🙏
So with my recently short lived but well needed Siesta fun in the Keys, I did manage to turn up a few cool pieces without really hunting.. I would have explored every day but that might have messed up the intended purpose of an anniversary trip with the misses....

Enough said.... Here are a few quick Pics and then I'll catch up in the mix soon.....
*Posting Best finds first then the fun pics in Part 2
*The not to be mentioned hunting ground turned up these few pieces. The large stoned left behind "I believe" to be ballast stones btw...