Neat! I'm not the only one who is counting their pennies! Good job!Alrighty. I just counted all the money in my cookie jar and coin bank that I have in my laundry room. Between the two of us, we have paid me a whopping $114.80, two buttons and a token, to do the laundry over the past 12 years. That rounds off to:
$9.57 a year
$0.80 a month
$0.18 a week
$0.05 a load
I’m glad I didn’t count on that to retire. 🤪
Edit: There actually would have been more than that, but I know someone stole some a couple of times and the Mr WD took back his laundered money once ( cause it was like $40.00!) lol
As one preacher put it , it's not the building that is the church. It's the people.Good morning me hearties! Going to church with friends this morning. I think we have decided to be worship wanderers and visit until we find the one that says, “Home.”
@Bamasteve happy hunting. It does look beautiful today! I will catch up on your videos later, ya know, when it starts raining again. Lol
@WHADIFIND if it ever comes to be that I get to travel around and metal detect with my online friends, you are on the list.