I try to sympathize with many folks making their living fishing, trapping, even hunting. Many times things are misunderstood as far as what they do, how they do it, and the laws regulating their work. That is why I asked the question about Barts Horse Conch.
I don't totally agree on him taking them but if he's not breaking any laws and is conscientious about the viability/health of the resource I can respect his personal choice, although mine would be different.
I think many will agree because it's legal it's not necessarily good. Long Line fishing has decimated the Keys Mahi fishing to the point I don't bother going there anymore. It's legal. I'm an old Florida native and have seen many species collapse while being "legally" harvested.
My fishing buddy was lamenting on how hard it is now to catch decent fish now. I told him what do you expect when you can buy fresh & frozen Grouper, Snapper, & Mahi in almost every grocery store in America? I'm sure these are all caught legally. Figure pollution & habitat loss into the equation & it's no surprise the ocean is suffering decline.