I have the perfect retort to that....in fact...I've used it to end an argument. But........I can't say it here.
Thanks RC 🤙🏽A belated happy B-Day!
Ditto... happy b day.A belated happy B-Day!
Why twernt de Cap’n laughed at me post?Good morning crew mates ! **hiccup** Hey ! It’s morning somewhere! 😅**hiccup**
I have been slaving in the galley all day trying to bake a rum cake for surf pirates’ birthday. **hiccup** Happy birthday, BTW! @ARC , we needs be making a rum run. **hiccup**Dis cake recipe depleted the stores in de rum room. **hiccup**
View attachment 2074432
View attachment 2074434
My stash of Rum beith depletith.
Well, I “suppose “ you’re gonna be serv’n dat green beer to yer crew?My stash of Rum beith depletith.