Good morning pirates and piratess! I am sorry for bugging out last night. I got a call from my daughter, “Grandpa’s Okay, but….”
He is okay, but I had to go see for myself. He got into a lot of mischief yesterday. He took his electric chainsaw and cut down a Japanese maple while holding onto a branch for balance. He fell on his butt and said it took him forever to get back up. He just couldn’t wait for mr WD to get there and do it. Yes I scolded him. Also got a lashing for not having his cell phone on him. Then, he decided not to wait for me to take care of the cactus my mom planted, geez, When I was a kid! So the report was that he had needles all over his hands and some how in his mouth. Mr WD said I better go check him out. The big question was how did he get them in his mouth. Now listen, I had told him to leave the cacti alone. But, if he just couldn’t resist, don’t use your hands. Even gloves won’t keep those needles out. It is a vile plant! I told him to use tongs and then throw them away. Well, he didn’t listen. He picked one up and a whole runner came with it. He had needles all over in both hands and couldn’t touch anything. So his brilliant brain told him to pick the needles out with your teeth. OM FNG G! My daughter got a big needle out of his dentures and his tongue was hurting but neither of us could see a needle. She got what she could out of his hands. Mr WD googled and YouTube how to get them out. He had the big win last night. I will pass the trick to you all. Should you or anyone you know get in a similar predicament, put a layer of Elmers glue on the area. Dry and peel off the glue.
Anyway, the farmer is coming over and I have to pick up rocks today.