THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

You first lil brother!

Let's try anyways.
I shall attempt to lol. Not much for me to do. Not used to being stuck in a tiny area. Property is closed so can't wonder around like I'd usually do. Sweet potatoes being harvested so I'll grab some (my family member is the one leasing the land so I can). Going to once the potatoes are out do my last metal detecting search of the land since they worked the dirt over a lot. I've found old things in the back area coins, relics so I'm hoping something good will come up for my goodbye to the land I grew up on.

Mornin all.
Slush falling from the sky.
I've had one(?) of the past four days with dry cloths all day.

Another self induced hangover from over doing it outdoors.
Ahh well.
Beats the alternative. I think. Shouldn't think probably.

Found a property line sitters treestand with a good shot at a sweet spot back on my property.
I don't want to be a butthead neighbor , but am contemplating a "scarecrow" that smells bad and makes noise.
A spring based antenna and a cake pan and some bolt holding strings and some clamps.
Baggie of cigg butts.
Funner than just posting a keep out sign back there.

I shall attempt to lol. Not much for me to do. Not used to being stuck in a tiny area. Property is closed so can't wonder around like I'd usually do. Sweet potatoes being harvested so I'll grab some (my family member is the one leasing the land so I can). Going to once the potatoes are out do my last metal detecting search of the land since they worked the dirt over a lot. I've found old things in the back area coins, relics so I'm hoping something good will come up for my goodbye to the land I grew up on.
Not melancholy. Rather ;bittersweet. And the inevitable change.
I don't envy the centennial farms that have stayed in the same family a century or more when I see signs posted declaring such in thier yards , but know it's not a simple matter to hold on to them.

Surprising sometimes how stirring up the dirt can change things for detecting.

Not melancholy. Rather ;bittersweet. And the inevitable change.
I don't envy the centennial farms that have stayed in the same family a century or more when I see signs posted declaring such in thier yards , but know it's not a simple matter to hold on to them.

Surprising sometimes how stirring up the dirt can change things for detecting.
Every time that area is worked I find at least a few neat things. Only reason I know to metal detect back there is story goes by what I'm told an elderly woman when my grandma first bought this property back in the early 70s had asked if she could go to the back she grew up there and the house she lived in there as a child burnt down. Only sign of that maybe being true at the time was pottery was always found broken all over back there. I for the longest time didn't believe it as maps back into like 1910 showed no houses back there. Though upon metal detecting back there I've found coins, lots of clock parts, a full brass shotgun shell, a civil war veterans fraternity thing, just tons of neat relics, and I believe I found the remains of a small well. So I think it really was there. I just feel there is some neat stuff still there as the earth back there was moved a lot so any field work always brings something new up.

What I say-:headbang::hello2::notworthy::icon_thumleft::icon_thumright::metaldetector:It landed, now the next 5 yrs to learn it.🤣

You can send it to me and I'll figure out how to use it for you than tell you how lol. No okay i tried lol
Oh thanks for the offer.
Err, ah, um, thinking 🤔 😅
Just a second let me think about that again.
Oh ya I'm sure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh thanks for the offer.
Err, ah, um, thinking 🤔 😅
Just a second let me think about that again.
Oh ya I'm sure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I remember how excited I was getting my Deus one, took me forever to save for that. Now I want the 2 and it's so expensive going to take me ages to save for it. Maybe I'll sell my ps5 people still trying to get the things, and sell some other stuff I don't use and put it toward the Deus 2 I'm dying to get my hands on one of those

Wow wee 4 jet fighters just did a practice bombing run of the dam.Looked like 2- 18s & 2- 15s the whole house shook .
I can hear the "new people" at the lake crying already :laughing7::tongue3:

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Wow wee 4 jet fighters just did a practice bombing run of the damn.Looked like 2- 18s & 2- 15s the whole house shook .
I can hear the "new people" at the lake crying already :laughing7::tongue3:
Heard the other day someone was FB whining the barn next door to their newly bought had a smell.
I know the farmer and there's no BS in that barn.
Just 🐄

I remember how excited I was getting my Deus one, took me forever to save for that. Now I want the 2 and it's so expensive going to take me ages to save for it. Maybe I'll sell my ps5 people still trying to get the things, and sell some other stuff I don't use and put it toward the Deus 2 I'm dying to get my hands on one of those
I have always set goals for myself for the long game.
So if I wanted something I just say when I want it-and it usually comes to fruition.
Sometimes it's as long as 5 yrs, but it seems to be there when the time comes.
I don't dwell on it daily/weekly even but I know it's there.

Now the chore list, I have to regress, as I had it to be completed as of 2020-here it's now 2022 that is nearing the end.
The list is still well worked-but not complete.
Oh I could use the weather/the screwed up world of shut downs/2019 as being under the weather for the most part.
But it still doesn't take the list away.

I'm sure if you work at it-look at the pile of things that are collecting dust-you might have a good portion sitting right there staring back at you.

I have always set goals for myself for the long game.
So if I wanted something I just say when I want it-and it usually comes to fruition.
Sometimes it's as long as 5 yrs, but it seems to be there when the time comes.
I don't dwell on it daily/weekly even but I know it's there.

Now the chore list, I have to regress, as I had it to be completed as of 2020-here it's now 2022 that is nearing the end.
The list is still well worked-but not complete.
Oh I could use the weather/the screwed up world of shut downs/2019 as being under the weather for the most part.
But it still doesn't take the list away.

I'm sure if you work at it-look at the pile of things that are collecting dust-you might have a good portion sitting right there staring back at you.
A have a bunch of stuff I can get rid of might get me close to what I need to get it. I know the metal detector I will get use out of. My Deus one I use so much the coil guard is almost worn through lol

A have a bunch of stuff I can get rid of might get me close to what I need to get it. I know the metal detector I will get use out of. My Deus one I use so much the coil guard is almost worn through lol
The one goal is to get some space in the shop-inside joke there somewhere.:laughing7:

The one goal is to get some space in the shop-inside joke there somewhere.:laughing7:
Scrapped 2700 pound of scrap iron a portion of it was metal detecting scrap. Made next to nothing on that but it all had to go better to get paid for it then pay to take it to the dump

Scrapped 2700 pound of scrap iron a portion of it was metal detecting scrap. Made next to nothing on that but it all had to go better to get paid for it then pay to take it to the dump
Up here that would be worth $320.00

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