Yestreday, I left my Dad's house. I was supposed to be going to a dentist appointment. My mind was on other matters and auto pilot had me heading home. I was coming to a dangerous intersection (I have been T-boned there before as well as many others), when I remembered the appointment. I came to a stop behind a pickup already at the stop sign. There was an equipment hauler turning left onto our road. I looked over at my clock to check the time, and that's all it took. I saw movement in my peripheral vision, looked up and slammed on my horn. The guy in the pickup backed into me trying to avoid being hit by the truck making the turn. There was no significant damage, if any. I called hubby, told him where I was and what happened, and if he thought I should call the police. He asked me a couple times if anyone was hurt. I then called 911 and the dispatch asked me 3 times if I needed an ambulance. I think it may be the only fender bender accident to ever occur at that particular intersection. Anyway. I have a boogered up front license plate and holder. Since Ohio has made the front plate obsolete, we are leaving it alone. The sherriff didn't even notice any damage, that's how minimal it is.
Edit: and now, I have to get ready for the new dentist appointment. Yippy.