THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

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Male and female crickets have auditory organs on their lower forelegs
Since the cricket has ears on its legs, it can detect the slightest vibration created by your footsteps. The best way for a cricket to avoid predators is to stay quiet.
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Yestreday, I left my Dad's house. I was supposed to be going to a dentist appointment. My mind was on other matters and auto pilot had me heading home. I was coming to a dangerous intersection (I have been T-boned there before as well as many others), when I remembered the appointment. I came to a stop behind a pickup already at the stop sign. There was an equipment hauler turning left onto our road. I looked over at my clock to check the time, and that's all it took. I saw movement in my peripheral vision, looked up and slammed on my horn. The guy in the pickup backed into me trying to avoid being hit by the truck making the turn. There was no significant damage, if any. I called hubby, told him where I was and what happened, and if he thought I should call the police. He asked me a couple times if anyone was hurt. I then called 911 and the dispatch asked me 3 times if I needed an ambulance. I think it may be the only fender bender accident to ever occur at that particular intersection. Anyway. I have a boogered up front license plate and holder. Since Ohio has made the front plate obsolete, we are leaving it alone. The sherriff didn't even notice any damage, that's how minimal it is.

Edit: and now, I have to get ready for the new dentist appointment. Yippy.

Yestreday, I left my Dad's house. I was supposed to be going to a dentist appointment. My mind was on other matters and auto pilot had me heading home. I was coming to a dangerous intersection (I have been T-boned there before as well as many others), when I remembered the appointment. I came to a stop behind a pickup already at the stop sign. There was an equipment hauler turning left onto our road. I looked over at my clock to check the time, and that's all it took. I saw movement in my peripheral vision, looked up and slammed on my horn. The guy in the pickup backed into me trying to avoid being hit by the truck making the turn. There was no significant damage, if any. I called hubby, told him where I was and what happened, and if he thought I should call the police. He asked me a couple times if anyone was hurt. I then called 911 and the dispatch asked me 3 times if I needed an ambulance. I think it may be the only fender bender accident to ever occur at that particular intersection. Anyway. I have a boogered up front license plate and holder. Since Ohio has made the front plate obsolete, we are leaving it alone. The sherriff didn't even notice any damage, that's how minimal it is.

Edit: and now, I have to get ready for the new dentist appointment. Yippy.
The old peripheral vision works sometimes-then sometimes it will not.

I was driving by a walk up and noticed an X sitting on the railing drinking a coffee one day. (Many yrs ago)

I stopped and we chatted up-as I was waiting for the line of cars to go in front of me.

The peripheral said one pulled away-we chatted-another pulled away-we chatted-another pulled away (the one right in front of me)

I said the good-bye, saying we should hook-up, she said she lived there by herself-I said great-pulled ahead hitting the gas-BANG!
I rear ended the car in front of me as they didn't really go too far.
Cops came
What happened?

I told the truth
Old flame-said she had her own door mat-I got a randy thought-I rear ended the car that stopped short. :dontknow:
Cop looked up-old flame was just a :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Cop :laughing7: Get out of here-I'll handle it.:laughing7:

I still think its gonna get all hurricane lines out to tie boats with.....looking at storm shutters, and all are good to go.....looks as if it will hook north right into us. Just have a feeling about this one.

A happy little tail wagger quit wagging and had a bad day .
Ended around 2A.M.. and I still keep expecting her to come ask for some lovin.

Rest well good girl.
Thank you for the sweetness.
Awww! So, sorry to read that.

Just for the record I,m not banned.Due to a long running conflict with someone who blows up and whines about any perceived slight,even when it doesn,t concern him,and me getting butt kicked for that perceived slight I just no longer desire to be on here.I do drop by without signing in to check up on things and not comment. All you are fine folks,thanks for wondering about me. I can,t speak for trav,but it does revive the age old wonder if crash and trav are indeed the same person. Gone!
Crashy, Crash, Crash, Crash! For the record, ye brokes me hearties!

I have had not so pleasant experiences on this site, a couple times. And some posters really scare the you know what out of me (one reason why the RCT in the CM Forum is a brilliant idea, except we are not all CMs). I get upset, I loose a piece of my heart when ye pirates disappear. And there have been many. I get depressed, I check out for a spell, and honestly have shed many a tear over some whom I know in my heart have passed on. I come back, though. Why? because I don't want to lose touch with the pirates who are still around. Glutton for punishment, I guess. Please don't let a couple bad apples poison ye against the crew.

This goes for @traveller777 too! I was looking fer ye in dem dar hills!


A little update on the Dirk… we took it to a historical society group we belong to last night and had it confirmed by an expert that it is indeed a Bronze Age Dirk 😆 obviously not to be out done, I took along some of my finds… and got lots of love for them, which helped my ego 😆 xx
Incredible! Stuff we all dream of! And of course it happens to a non-tnetter. Well, at least you get the overflow attention from here. I really do hope you find your banner worthy find, though!

Looks like WD decided to do some catch up laps round the boat🤣😂🤣....looks like 20+laps !!
Just proof of how much I luvs me hearties! I really do care about what you pirates say and what you are all up to. All of ya! Including that rum hoardin' Cap'n!

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