There's a pink elephant on the ship.
Morning RC
Hope you day looks productive, at least in thought.
Mornin P.J..
Dishwashing awaits, Whoo-hoo!
Need to make a dogfood run.
Salvaged wooden wheelchair ramp was hacked up pretty bad. (No, I didn't do it.)
I sorted it by what has the most integrity left , but need to put the forks on the tractor and take that stack apart and find a suitable canidate for a platform outside the hunting blind door.
(Still hoping the guys get me a blind soon, They sent a picture of "mine" with the door hung backwards from what I ordered. Won't work for the site pictured previously.)
I'll need to trim the messed up joist cuts and add end pieces over thier ends.
Heavy stuff. The tractor can barely lift one section.
Then I need to look over the salvaged rail sides. Most need resecured spindles top and bottom. Find a few sections with good toeplates and such. Should power wash them too ; but not wanting to.
And go through savaged posts and try to come up with a half dozen or more not too deteriorated.
Then figure out a ramp. Should wait till blind exists in place to be sure of platform and ramp heights.
Trash needs to go to main road. Maybe during dogfood run.
Still working on a vomit spot on the carpet. (No , I didn't do that either.) It's being a tough one.
Plenty more.
I'll make more coffee and hit dishes first. Emphasis on coffee.