Morning WD
Right pretty
Morning WD
Even faster with ...the new ,improved, turbo boosterElon Musk owns space X and Tesla.... and teslas are as fast as a
I don't know about easily.Really becoming interested in central and South American Spanish main. I think a well planned mission could yield a significant amount of treasure. Most of the places im studying and researching are nothing more than small towns and deserted ruins. Places like sacrificious Island, San andreas Island (old providence), lake maricabo and its surrounding towns, porto belo, nombre de Dios, .....and many other important areas that the buccaneers utilized in there raids. I can't even imagine what could be found where these rovers were based and where they shared out and careened....many of the careening locations and camps can easily be found with Google earth and historic narratives and locations. There is tremendous opportunity down in these locations and some have never had a detector sweep !! Many locations are given to raids and beach landings to the exact mileage from known landmarks !!
That's better than , I'll never do that again . Followed before the days out with , I'm ready for another taste again.After a hard night of binge/ I wonder if these words are noted to the reflection of the next morning?
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.
I grabbed a sweatshirt last night for the last couple outings. Still cool enough this morning for it too.Cool 46F with a breeze this morning.
High of low 60s today.
Taste of what's coming.