Morning RC
Microdosing is not a heavily targeted dosage.
Start with a 1/4 of a low dosage.
Wait for a few days.
Totally out of the system by the next day.
This is to compare pre/post thoughts.
Then increase do the same.
Dropping 'shrooms was an easy, Start with a gram, increase according to the environment.
Now when we got to the levels of seeing hallucinations we knew there's a limit.
Never a bad one (trip)
Woke up refreshed
No overhangs like from drinking a 40 of white Bacardi rum.
Though I have interested in the 'shrooms longer than some have on the ship.
1976 it was introduced to the mind.
By 1979 it was a 4 month run.
Then nothing since.
Learnt a lot about life in the wilds.
Coke for disco
'Shrooms for nature
No disco!
And coke was cut and stepped on and who knows what was in it back in the seventies. I'd hazard it still is today. After it's extracted with kerosene or who knows what at it's source of origin.
Each set of hands cuts it and by the time someone scores some on the street who knows what little original product remained. With more concern about what it was cut with multiple times.
Cooking it down to try to find some originality made for crack addicts. Still does.