Very well put RC.....the spirited defense by the Ukrainians is inspiring in some way to the west.....this small fighting force, standing up to a huge bully and knocking some teeth in was not least by western analysts who are now proving that they were far from correct in there analysis. The key to recent success is not the fact that Ukraine has the HIMARS system.....its the very advanced and relatively new guided munitions that are being loaded into these systems...they used to be used in a blanketing barrage of fire from multiple units firing in unison. This technique assures destruction of the target by saturating the area with hundreds of rockets. These new munitions are accurately guided to there target by GPS corridinates, that are often verified by drone target acquisition. In other words one rocket can destroy a bridge that might have taken hundreds of rockets to hit in the past. The inability of what was thought to be one of the most advanced and feared airforce in the world to control the skis over Ukraine has cost them air superiority.....and maybe the war. Corruption in the infantry and an outdated war fighting doctrine has hampered the ability to fight effectively. Combined with a horrible maintenance program that encourages Corruption, an inability to keep communication encrypted, and a very bad effort at coordination between the different fighting branches, has left them to use conscripts as cannon fodder. I still can't help but think how badly American military analysts got this wrong.....I had a sneaking suspicion that russias hardware was not what the American military complex was telling us. It was obvious to me that the Russian main battle tank suffered from severe flaws as far back as the first gulf War, when there turrets were exploding 65 feet into the air on a regular basis. The fact that Russia has lost more main battle tanks in 6 months than the standing armies of France, Britain, and Germany combined even own says alot. Russia has lost badly already, and may never regain the superpower status it once had. I could go on and on but safe to say they are losing across the board. I think if Ukraine had a nuclear arsenal the Russians would have attacked with tactical nukes and claimed the Ukrainians attacked glad they had no nukes in there inventory !!Crimea being annexed became a line in the sand.
And demonstrated a cautionary ploy to others (especially Ukraine ) that was repeated when Russia claimed again to be liberating Russians in Ukraine's Donbass territory.
Ukraine was being what Ukraine was. And I'll hazard not ready or had been turning a dull eye to being prepared for an onslaught.. Yes it was going through the moves. But only enough to appear to be.
It helps that Zelensky's formal character was one of /is defiance.
What the prior administration's response/reaction may have been ; who knows?
When the U.S.A. offered him an exit by evacuation his saying "I need ammunition not a ride" bolstered enough of his countrymen/women to determine a resistance.
Followed by death and destruction and parts of Ukraine being pounded to rubble.
The destroyed value is incredible.
The loss of lives , livelihood , lifeways and parts of Ukraine's resources and structures too.
Ukraine has a grudge and is defending home turf.
Zelensky and supporters from within Ukraine did not roll over at the onset ; their incentive to do so now is even less.
Russia was lax in preparations too.
It's timing seemed right to Russia. After all a multifaceted objective meant occupation before Ukraine gained membership to more than a token internationally recognized united defense among allies.
The cautionary situation missed by Putin when faced with a target not interested in conceding was his dependence by delegating the condition of his military and armaments and equipment to others who showed him what he wanted to see.
Here in this parade is example of our discipline and modern weaponry.
But Putin did not look behind the "parade" of what he was shown to see what was (or wasn't) backing it up in reserve.
"For the mother country" has been a long expected sense of patriotism.
"For each rat what they can pocket" might be todays better sense.
When it is demanded of those in an administration to capitulate to a leader and to present facts as the leader would have them be presented ; the results in this case is a weakened military the leader either didn't recognize , or thought adequate as an occupational force due to underestimating Zelenskys resolve. .
Obviously no one convinced him otherwise.
Despite the Soviet era being history today , Putin might still lean too much on it's playbook.
Had Ukraine been left to fight on it's own capability alone Putin may well occupy it in full ; or at least have annexed the Donbass by now.
The "liberating" fellow countrymen ploy/tactic as was played in Crimea being annexed was a red flag to the international community though.
And unlike the Soviet era where Russia stepping on neighbors necks was just Russia being Russia , it didn't fly this time.
As much as other countries have done towards supporting Ukraine , Ukraine is dependent on it's own citizens to bleed and die as thier country is destroyed.
Without that lowly soldier in the field and fellow citizens supporting them in spirit if nothing else (though there is far more citizens extend ) it would be over.
Russia has been invaded before.
Lucky for it the world doesn't storm it today.
IF Ukraine follows up tentative incursions of strikes into Russia , Russia can have a taste of what Ukraine has been experiencing.
Russia claims a position of simply helping relieve countrymen in Ukraine.
Ukraine is being warred upon greatly by Russia.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the conflict. But it might be Russia's turn to be on the defensive. And rightfully so by my standards.
Is the time right?
IF nukes can be stifled and destroyed /contained in place , yes.
Who knows how they've been maintained. Lets assume they are functional and up to date.
But that's just me. Willing to see the Kremlin be rubble as a goal in exchange for what has been done to Ukraine's destroyed regions ; after the teeth are broken /removed from Russia's nuclear abilities.
Ever think that the system just built up the Bear as being a huge military machine capable of anything.Very well put RC.....the spirited defense by the Ukrainians is inspiring in some way to the west.....this small fighting force, standing up to a huge bully and knocking some teeth in was not least by western analysts who are now proving that they were far from correct in there analysis. The key to recent success is not the fact that Ukraine has the HIMARS system.....its the very advanced and relatively new guided munitions that are being loaded into these systems...they used to be used in a blanketing barrage of fire from multiple units firing in unison. This technique assures destruction of the target by saturating the area with hundreds of rockets. These new munitions are accurately guided to there target by GPS corridinates, that are often verified by drone target acquisition. In other words one rocket can destroy a bridge that might have taken hundreds of rockets to hit in the past. The inability of what was thought to be one of the most advanced and feared airforce in the world to control the skis over Ukraine has cost them air superiority.....and maybe the war. Corruption in the infantry and an outdated war fighting doctrine has hampered the ability to fight effectively. Combined with a horrible maintenance program that encourages Corruption, an inability to keep communication encrypted, and a very bad effort at coordination between the different fighting branches, has left them to use conscripts as cannon fodder. I still can't help but think how badly American military analysts got this wrong.....I had a sneaking suspicion that russias hardware was not what the American military complex was telling us. It was obvious to me that the Russian main battle tank suffered from severe flaws as far back as the first gulf War, when there turrets were exploding 65 feet into the air on a regular basis. The fact that Russia has lost more main battle tanks in 6 months than the standing armies of France, Britain, and Germany combined even own says alot. Russia has lost badly already, and may never regain the superpower status it once had. I could go on and on but safe to say they are losing across the board. I think if Ukraine had a nuclear arsenal the Russians would have attacked with tactical nukes and claimed the Ukrainians attacked glad they had no nukes in there inventory !!
Very much agreed pepper..... fear mongering and over stating performance, and threat assessments keeps the military industrial complex well funded and moving forward at full production. But development of micro processors, laser technologies, and nano technologies have turned even a grenade into a smart weapon !! I believe we are seeing the end of the main battle tank as the leading ground weapon system......slowly the cheaply made battle drone will replace the manned tank as the leading force in a ground campaign. We are seeing a shift back to artillery and rocket launchers that have vastly smarter and upgraded shells and rockets. The current trend is to add bolt on kits that include GPS guidance and ram jet engine booster kits to substantially increase range.....also a little known device called a "ring laser gyro" or RGL for short has vastly improved accuracy for inertial guided rockets. America fast tracked 17000 javelin man portable anti tank weapons. That math is easy 2000 6 million dollar tanks versus 17,000 rockets that only cost 100,000 dollars each. Thats over 8 tries to kill each tank.....that attrition alone is untenable in combat.Ever think that the system just built up the Bear as being a huge military machine capable of anything.
So they get the funding to to build one also.
If there was no threat what would the advantage be then?
Getting funding is a strategy game, cause=effect.
Create a threat, even if it's embellished, and the money will flow into the defence.
The military machine make up on the link![]()
All countries compared for Military > Army > Main battle tanks
Number of main battle
As of this week the Russian losses
View attachment 2042593
View attachment 2042594
So adding up the numbers Germany still has more tanks that have been lost.
Given the total number of tanks Russia has-they have a long ways to go it seems.
Then again what data can be trusted?
View attachment 2042596
Very well put RC.....the spirited defense by the Ukrainians is inspiring in some way to the west.....this small fighting force, standing up to a huge bully and knocking some teeth in was not least by western analysts who are now proving that they were far from correct in there analysis. The key to recent success is not the fact that Ukraine has the HIMARS system.....its the very advanced and relatively new guided munitions that are being loaded into these systems...they used to be used in a blanketing barrage of fire from multiple units firing in unison. This technique assures destruction of the target by saturating the area with hundreds of rockets. These new munitions are accurately guided to there target by GPS corridinates, that are often verified by drone target acquisition. In other words one rocket can destroy a bridge that might have taken hundreds of rockets to hit in the past. The inability of what was thought to be one of the most advanced and feared airforce in the world to control the skis over Ukraine has cost them air superiority.....and maybe the war. Corruption in the infantry and an outdated war fighting doctrine has hampered the ability to fight effectively. Combined with a horrible maintenance program that encourages Corruption, an inability to keep communication encrypted, and a very bad effort at coordination between the different fighting branches, has left them to use conscripts as cannon fodder. I still can't help but think how badly American military analysts got this wrong.....I had a sneaking suspicion that russias hardware was not what the American military complex was telling us. It was obvious to me that the Russian main battle tank suffered from severe flaws as far back as the first gulf War, when there turrets were exploding 65 feet into the air on a regular basis. The fact that Russia has lost more main battle tanks in 6 months than the standing armies of France, Britain, and Germany combined even own says alot. Russia has lost badly already, and may never regain the superpower status it once had. I could go on and on but safe to say they are losing across the board. I think if Ukraine had a nuclear arsenal the Russians would have attacked with tactical nukes and claimed the Ukrainians attacked glad they had no nukes in there inventory !!
Lol yeah that loophole shall not be usedJVA... you should stop drinking for good.
And only drink for evil now.
Lol I know you were joking my notifications screwed up so had been unaware of all of this till nowWell JVA... you know i am just joking ight ?
I used to have this album. Not sure if it's still around.Great morning everyone, I hope everyone is having a good day. Slept like crap and any sleep I did get was full of weird dreams that woke me up and left me anxious. Stupid alcohol has my brain chemistry all screwed stupid actions get stupid consequences
Thank you and same to you. Hope yours has been good.Greetings one and all…hope every is enjoying their Sunday xx
Top of the day to you ARC, Bart, WD Hangover John, and to you blossom.Greetings one and all…hope every is enjoying their Sunday xx
Same to you hope you are doing well today. You know it's bad when I'm still not fully recovered on day 2 lolTop of the day to you ARC, Bart, WD Hangover John, and to you blossom.
Oh I have been there done a whole lot worse.Same to you hope you are doing well today. You know it's bad when I'm still not fully recovered on day 2 lol