THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Ok… so SAM-itch… lord its a strange language u speak … do u not like consonants??
Always in a hurry so we usually leave them out,sometimes we do that just to mess with people.But,strange? As compared to Cockney? First time I heard a Cockney speak I thought he was speaking a foreign language!

Well,I can do that too.But I,m bringing my cast iron skillet!:icon_thumleft: Ya,ll do have cast iron cookware don,t you? I mean the UK is always portrayed as a civilized place and all.
Ok bring ur skillet, i will bring the washing up liquid 😆 … no, im not allowed heavy or sharp items … anymore.. 🙁

Always in a hurry so we usually leave them out,sometimes we do that just to mess with people.But,strange? As compared to Cockney? First time I heard a Cockney speak I thought he was speaking a foreign language!
Even i don’t understand cockney… but i love accents… i wish i had one!! 😆

Got to go secure all the hatches. Possible tornado headed this way. I like thunder storms. Hate severe storms n tornadoes. Later gators.
Crash has been on that high protein diet again 🙄 i told him it wasnt fair on the rest of the country… nd dont get me started on the damage its doing to the ozone… but u no what hes like😬 x

Crash has been on that high protein diet again 🙄 i told him it wasnt fair on the rest of the country… nd dont get me started on the damage its doing to the ozone… but u no what hes like😬 x
As we say.He permeated the air to a redolent degree!:laughing7:

But you do,compared to me.And so do I,compared to you. The Cockney has an accent no matter who he,s compared to.:laughing7:
The US has a great many regional usages of the same words and phrases. In the N.E. if you hail a group you call out youse guys! In the South It,s Hey Ya,ll. Sometimes you all. Many other versions depending on local changes vs National usage.Fascinating to study,for real. Arkansas,has a great many varieties all it,s own,as do most of the States. Look up American language usage by region and State sometimes if you have nothing better to do.You can spend 2 weeks some afternoon looking into it.

The US has a great many regional usages of the same words and phrases. In the N.E. if you hail a group you call out youse guys! In the South It,s Hey Ya,ll. Sometimes you all. Many other versions depending on local changes vs National usage.Fascinating to study,for real. Arkansas,has a great many varieties all it,s own,as do most of the States. Look up American language usage by region and State sometimes if you have nothing better to do.You can spend 2 weeks some afternoon looking into it.
The word that gets me is vehicle… wen u say ve-H-cal?? its so cute…😂😂 nd more complicated than just vehicle??!!

The word that gets me is vehicle… wen u say ve-H-cal?? its so cute…😂😂 nd more complicated than just vehicle??!!
Regional variations apply.In S.E.Arkansas for instance we commonly call for a VEE-hick-ell. In North Arkansas they use a vee-I-cal.

Regional variations apply.In S.E.Arkansas for instance we commonly call for a VEE-hick-ell. In North Arkansas they use a vee-I-
Regional variations apply.In S.E.Arkansas for instance we commonly call for a VEE-hick-ell. In North Arkansas they use a vee-I-cal.
So if u say popsicle… do u break that up into 3 parts with different emphasis 🤔

Crash has been on that high protein diet again 🙄 i told him it wasnt fair on the rest of the country… nd dont get me started on the damage its doing to the ozone… but u no what hes like😬 x
Crash and trav both eat healthy and no trash.

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