Silver Member
apologies Cap.. I’m doing a long one…. grab a flagon of rum and let me tell you a story.I am sure there is a thread. Probably more than one. LOL.
If everyone was to really look back over there lives, they would probably find lots of little finds and events molded them into what we lump together and label , "Treasure Hunter."
I'll tell you my story.
First digging experience:
I was staying with my cousins, 3 of them. I'd say we were around 9-11 years old. They lived on a dead end road. At the end there was a mulberry tree. We kept going down there and picked and ate them. One of my cousins wandered and trespassed through someones property to the woods behind, where he found the remnants of a home. He brought us all back there and we spent hours and days playing "archeologists on a dig." I remember there were 2 fireplaces remaining. I remember wondering why there were 2? I remember finding lots of broken dishes. Oh, to this day, my heart aches to have another chance at that place! But, a church bought the property and it is under a parking lot now.
Other events:
Then, of course, there were the field trips at school, where we went fossil hunting, or learning about early american life. (OH my! I can only imagine what your history classes in school were like!) All the family trips with my parents, and then my own family, and visiting historical sites. Our first home was 100+/- years old with a crawl space. Some remodeling caused us to access the crawl space and there were old bottles, a smashed, rusted out tub, etc.
Where I live now:
Then, about 30 years later, we bought this 40 acre farm. It had an old barn on it that we had tore down, and hubby dug a huge hole and pushed the remnants into and burned it. Are you all cringing yet? LOL. Some where in here, my dad gave me his Bounty Hunter metal detecter. I couldn't figure it out, so it went in the new barn loft. We started finding a bottle here and there along the creek. Then we stumbled upon the foundation & cellar hole. Then one spring I found this pretty little cobalt blue bottle in the creek. It had "Bromo Seltzer" embossed on it. I googled it and found this site. I fell in love! So much knowledge on here. It was unbelievable. Of course I revisited my dad's metal detector and we couldn't get it to work. Left the batteries in it, don't ya know. So we were walking around this sporting goods store. It was nearing Christmas. They had a display of Technetics Delta 4000 metal detectors on sale. I showed interest and hubby said to get it because he always struggles with what to get me for Christmas. Next spring, I got it out with my grandson and we walked all over this 40 acres with it! Every time I swung it, we would get beeps, he would dig, and find nothing. He would swing it and there would be no beeps. Oh we got lucky a couple of times and found a rusty nail or piece of fence here and there. We both got discouraged and I put it on a shelf. But, I still hung around on this site. The subject came up, and someone told me to get it back down and try again. Don't give up. Well, I did, and figured out that I was making a classical mistake, memories flooded of the first time out, and I just had to laugh. I had steel toed boots on!
I was born and raised in a beautiful part of England, a cedar tree on the property was “allegedly”planted by the Knights Templar… growing up with this and a Father who collected everything… I have always loved history and all things old.
So fast forward to September 2021 I have a great idea ( I have many 😆) that what I needed in my life was a potting shed, my long suffering other half dully complied and we, mainly he tbf, started digging the foundations. Imagine the little angel digging and muttering under his breath, the spade suddenly making a clonk that reverberated up his little arms… we had stuck our first treasure….. well I needed no further encouragement… I my heart was set …. at last Metal detector was legitimately required!
Knowing it was for the best he purchased my present … in return I purchased him a pin pointer… my dream was complete, I would stride around finding targets, he would follow, dig said target and hand said target to me for inspection. His house was built in 1885 so much dinging was had, I was in heaven!!
But, my dream did not last….. whilst digging my targets he had got the bug, a few days later I got the text…. “BTW my detector has arrived” what detector?? Only a flippin Garret Apex, a better machine than mine. After a few trips out, I saw I needed to up my game, so along came my Nel coil, and my own spade! and then the fun properly started, I found our first silver, I found our best find, (I do have to admit, he has found 2 hammered coins) and we are totally obsessed…. And then I found The TN ship…..
And that is how it began.
(The cedar tree… and our first treasure while digging the foundations….)