THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Mornin all, have a great one!
Good morning, Bamasteve.

Hump Day Camel GIF - Hump Day Camel Guess What Day It Is GIFs

I am sure there is a thread. Probably more than one. LOL.

If everyone was to really look back over there lives, they would probably find lots of little finds and events molded them into what we lump together and label , "Treasure Hunter."

I'll tell you my story.

First digging experience:

I was staying with my cousins, 3 of them. I'd say we were around 9-11 years old. They lived on a dead end road. At the end there was a mulberry tree. We kept going down there and picked and ate them. One of my cousins wandered and trespassed through someones property to the woods behind, where he found the remnants of a home. He brought us all back there and we spent hours and days playing "archeologists on a dig." I remember there were 2 fireplaces remaining. I remember wondering why there were 2? I remember finding lots of broken dishes. Oh, to this day, my heart aches to have another chance at that place! But, a church bought the property and it is under a parking lot now.

Other events:
Then, of course, there were the field trips at school, where we went fossil hunting, or learning about early american life. (OH my! I can only imagine what your history classes in school were like!) All the family trips with my parents, and then my own family, and visiting historical sites. Our first home was 100+/- years old with a crawl space. Some remodeling caused us to access the crawl space and there were old bottles, a smashed, rusted out tub, etc.

Where I live now:
Then, about 30 years later, we bought this 40 acre farm. It had an old barn on it that we had tore down, and hubby dug a huge hole and pushed the remnants into and burned it. Are you all cringing yet? LOL. Some where in here, my dad gave me his Bounty Hunter metal detecter. I couldn't figure it out, so it went in the new barn loft. We started finding a bottle here and there along the creek. Then we stumbled upon the foundation & cellar hole. Then one spring I found this pretty little cobalt blue bottle in the creek. It had "Bromo Seltzer" embossed on it. I googled it and found this site. I fell in love! So much knowledge on here. It was unbelievable. Of course I revisited my dad's metal detector and we couldn't get it to work. Left the batteries in it, don't ya know. So we were walking around this sporting goods store. It was nearing Christmas. They had a display of Technetics Delta 4000 metal detectors on sale. I showed interest and hubby said to get it because he always struggles with what to get me for Christmas. Next spring, I got it out with my grandson and we walked all over this 40 acres with it! Every time I swung it, we would get beeps, he would dig, and find nothing. He would swing it and there would be no beeps. Oh we got lucky a couple of times and found a rusty nail or piece of fence here and there. We both got discouraged and I put it on a shelf. But, I still hung around on this site. The subject came up, and someone told me to get it back down and try again. Don't give up. Well, I did, and figured out that I was making a classical mistake, memories flooded of the first time out, and I just had to laugh. I had steel toed boots on!
I love this 💕xx thank you xx 💕I will post Mine later, I’m a late starter, but grew up with a father who was a gardener and found stuff all the time, so it’s def in my DNA. x

Good morning all.

RC, thank you for the auction link.
I have always wanted a cub.
No rush. Be unlike me and get familier with them and look at some offered for sale before pouncing on one. Or don't if it runs and is cheap enough. L.o.l..
Rims filled with corrosive saline solution for weight still turn up. And if tire valves are not parked in the right position leak onto rims corroding them. (Yep , I have examples!) New rims can be bought at around a hundred a piece. But original style bolts won't fit. Plus changing tires. (Front end has to be wedged so not to tip tractor over with wheels off the rear. It has a flex point in the front that will let it tip).
Tires can look pretty bad and still be usable. But affect the value of a tractor too when shopping.
I've seen gloves and rags sticking out of the sidewalls of tubed tires to reduced herniated tubes in bad tires. Not really what we're after. Price dependent of course..
IF you hit that auction let me know in advance. Doubt it's time to buy or that funds can go such a direction currently.
But I could try to meet you there to look it over pre bidding. Then hope no one else is very enthused.

I've the couple Cubs if you want to hands on learn what to look out for.
How to run one and common things making them not run.
Till you (or I) are real familier , buying a nonrunner has great risks.
And a poor runner could have multiple reasons for running poor.
Neither of mine are in condition to solve your potential needs. One is just weary from decades of hard work. And will conk out in the heat for want of yet another magneto coil. (it mounts where it gets hot). The other has the loader which is heavy , and a near bald rear tire. And wanting new rear rims. A decent runner though. Throttle lever quadrant needs more filing of teeth to hold lever as they're worn in the sweet spot for running.

You learning some of how to try to get one running would pay off looking at a non runner like at auction. And beat trying to load a non runner on a trailer.

That one in White Cloud I'd want to know the engine is not seized up on.
Water getting in can stick valves too.
IF a Cub sits a long time , Like several months or more there is a way to prime the oil pump and some galleys. Preventing dry scrubbing of engine components.
A fluids check prior to trying start one. Thermosyphon cooling system's radiator (no waterpump) means radiator level is around 3-4 inches low looking. Or more.
Topping it off like a "normal" radiator means coolant will blow off as it heats.
(It'll run on straight water. But use an antifreeze. Which is why many have cracked bolsters from winter freezing.)
If the fuel system is contaminated there's no sense in trying to start it.
A pony tank could be rigged though. Many Cubs have a fine screen at the carburetor entrance that can't be seen till line is removed. When plugged up....No start. The main jet is easy enough to clean with a fine wire. But can be varnished from stale fuel.

Farmall Cub forum has lots of info.
And first time owners(and others) find it a great resource.

Blasted pirates! Ye be snoring likes synchronized thunder from north, west, east,and see south! Me thinks the onlyist ways to get sleep is to give you all a swing in yer hammocks!

View attachment 2038741

Swing , swang,swung.
Dreaming of very rough seas and woke up on the floor.
Thanks alot.

"Been there before."
Honeymoon here onboard is over. I get it.


Good morning all.

RC, thank you for the auction link.
I have always wanted a cub.
I want to add if you get looking at old stuff..

Seventy years ago when Cubs for example were being built , nondetergent motor oil was run in them.
Rather than modern detergent oils keeping sludge in suspension until getting caught in a filter , sludge settled by gravity.
(I tore a Deere down that had about an inch and a half of hard sludge in the bottom of the crankcase. Fine , unless disturbed. (The sludge disturbed , not me,)

IF we switched from a nondetergent to a detergent oil in an old engine without pulling the oil pan and cleaning it out , (there is more besides that can be done) what happens to that sludge?

So any information about it we can get from the current owner can help.
Not all will know what it was run on when they acquired it.
Urgent making do repairs to keep working were done on many. Which is no crime when time is of the essence and your livelyhood depends on getting it done now. But can confuse a current owner when so many modifications could be made. Part of the fun. But funner after it's working...

Thank you WD I hope your day is going well.
I’m doing pretty good. Trying to get yellow squash sliced, seasoned and start dehydration. And shredding and freezing some. Gotta make zucchini bread and squash bread out of the prior harvest. Then pawn it off on people.

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