THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Going over the latest mag data from the boys down south. Went back and re magged some curios hits.....lower and slower with the magnotometer is producing a beautiful shipwreck will soon be time for me to follow the trail underwater......three bronze guns, and 4 anchors in situ, a 15 foot intact galleon rudder..... and now bits of keel and keel pins......everytime this ship bounced on a 13 foot snag it left bits and pieces. My new partner and soon to be t.v. costar has found spanish gold just on shore of our latest data.....also the same location where an entire ceramic vessel full of coins was of which is definitely 1560 !! So lm gearing up for some diving and on aug - 23 get my cameo role on the discover Florida show as treasure hunting expert !! Ill be teamed up with Lady wild bones......I think we will be up in some mangroves looking for a wreck......possibly a 1733 ghost ship !!

Going over the latest mag data from the boys down south. Went back and re magged some curios hits.....lower and slower with the magnotometer is producing a beautiful shipwreck will soon be time for me to follow the trail underwater......three bronze guns, and 4 anchors in situ, a 15 foot intact galleon rudder..... and now bits of keel and keel pins......everytime this ship bounced on a 13 foot snag it left bits and pieces. My new partner and soon to be t.v. costar has found spanish gold just on shore of our latest data.....also the same location where an entire ceramic vessel full of coins was of which is definitely 1560 !! So lm gearing up for some diving and on aug - 23 get my cameo role on the discover Florida show as treasure hunting expert !! Ill be teamed up with Lady wild bones......I think we will be up in some mangroves looking for a wreck......possibly a 1733 ghost ship !!
Wow and holy crow… sounds the stuff of dreams!

They drive me nuts on the road driving......they also lose a tremendous amount of jewelry in the swim spots. I like there tourist dollars too !!
We're kind of lucky as now too much tourists find the little hole in the wall.
A few transit boaters stay at the Gov.t docks at the park next door.
But seriously the ones that stay a great percentage can be annoying.

Men having this need to wear speedos doing yoga on the dock-last year it was a thong.
Like-come on the poor squirrels are subjected to enough in life without seeing this kind of rap.

Waiting for the Quebec 2 week construction holiday-that brings in the loud mouth cursing drunk.
Usually piss drunk, nude at times, yelling, music.

Return is Max barking at 6am echos of the rock cliffs, Pepper's chainsaw at 7 am doing the yearly deadfall clean up.
Tractor revving up early in the AM-oops forgot the muffler again.
Then there is the weed eater/lawnmower noise during there quiet afternoon naps.

Boat usually goes to the next lock later on that day-too noisy.:laughing7:

Wow and holy crow… sounds the stuff of dreams!
It is, but the dream is always just out of reach it seems......we are getting closer, and I think we are grinding to an end on this trail......magnetometer does not pick up gold or silver......we must get our time on the bottom to find the gold and silver !!

Men having this need to wear speedos doing yoga on the dock-last year it was a thong.
Like-come on the poor squirrels are subjected to enough in life without seeing this ….
ah hm… may I say Cappy is partial to this behaviour as witnessed yesterday…. So it’s not just the squirrels that need sympathy nd possibly counselling … 😉😳

ah hm… may I say Cappy is partial to this behaviour as witnessed yesterday…. So it’s not just the squirrels that need sympathy nd possibly counselling … 😉😳
I was questioned by the Mrs many years ago.
"Why is it that you always shave before going out to detect?"

Well Dear.
I have to look my best for the squirrels that are running about in the ravines:laughing7:

Thank you indeed, last night’s activities were cut short, but a partial Croatal bell and a cute button were mine! We are working towards the civil war section of the field the excitement is real!
I love relic hunting. Good luck there.

I was questioned by the Mrs many years ago.
"Why is it that you always shave before going out to detect?"

Well Dear.
I have to look my best for the squirrels that are running about in the ravines:laughing7:
Good point…. Plus .if you didn’t shave …. They may think you were “Nuts” 😂😂 (sorry 😆)

Looks like our wreck made it across the deep part of hawk channel....thank God!! I have never been more scared than when diving in the hawk channel. 50 feet deep to the bottom, and then several feet of prehistoric marl and mud at least 3 feet deep. 0 can't see your hand 6 inches in front of you. Last dive in here a ten foot tiger shark chased me out of the water and then ate our bouy off the drop line. I would put my head in the mud, and prey the shark attack would be quick and over with little pain.....I was convinced I would die on one of these dives. Then I accidentally aspirated some of this undisturbed prehistoric mud.....and that almost killed me with a respiratory soon as you disturb this bottom you are being attacked by all manner of microscopic organisms trying to eat you or get into your body.....and then there is the lemon, bull, and tiger sharks......just a crazy stupid dive !!

Looks like our wreck made it across the deep part of hawk channel....thank God!! I have never been more scared than when diving in the hawk channel. 50 feet deep to the bottom, and then several feet of prehistoric marl and mud at least 3 feet deep. 0 can't see your hand 6 inches in front of you. Last dive in here a ten foot tiger shark chased me out of the water and then ate our bouy off the drop line. I would put my head in the mud, and prey the shark attack would be quick and over with little pain.....I was convinced I would die on one of these dives. Then I accidentally aspirated some of this undisturbed prehistoric mud.....and that almost killed me with a respiratory soon as you disturb this bottom you are being attacked by all manner of microscopic organisms trying to eat you or get into your body.....and then there is the lemon, bull, and tiger sharks......just a crazy stupid dive !!
What a lovely sounding place.

Great morning all, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Thank you for dealing with me when I'm having bad times. I often am weak and don't mean to have so many issues. Doing better today. I think for whatever reason when I over do it in extreme heat out here it gives me issues I noticed anytime I've been in the severe heat too long my sleep issues are more severe.

Great morning all, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Thank you for dealing with me when I'm having bad times. I often am weak and don't mean to have so many issues. Doing better today. I think for whatever reason when I over do it in extreme heat out here it gives me issues I noticed anytime I've been in the severe heat too long my sleep issues are more severe.
Morning John
It's all good you know.
It makes it all real actually.
It's the upbeat happy folks that usually have the most inner troubles in life.
How many comedians/artists have short lives.

Famous line.
But he/she was/seemed so happy go lucky, always laughing.

So thanks for being real.

Morning John
It's all good you know.
It makes it all real actually.
It's the upbeat happy folks that usually have the most inner troubles in life.
How many comedians/artists have short lives.

Famous line.
But he/she was/seemed so happy go lucky, always laughing.

So thanks for being real.
My being real for me feels embarrassing. I honestly don't mean to be how I am nor do I wish to experience things in such a way. But oh well

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