THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Cap'n, Sir Pepper, and all the rest of you groovy pirates. May you have a day of smooth sailing.
Morning Trav.
May your day be easy and the list be short.

Morning Trav.
May your day be easy and the list be short.
Bad storms just passing through. Dropped the outside temperature by 10F so that is good. Was 77F when started but now a refreshing 67F. One more cup of rich Matagalpa coffee and I am on my way.

Good morning all, really early for me. Went to bed at 10 something managed to fall asleep a bit woke up at 2 and found it impossible to go back to sleep so been up since than and gave up. Sleep problems progressively getting worse been hoping it would just go away and haven't wanted to tell anyone in my family I've had this issue. I play off like I'm okay but my generalized anxiety disorder has been funky for months just lots of days of feeling horrible, I dread sleep when I used to love it was the one time there was some peace now i can't even have that. I don't understand why anytime I try to sleep once my eyes are closed and I relax my mind just goes into random thoughts for no reason and I can't sleep it bothers me too much and makes me scared. The thoughts aren't scary in themselves more so having no control over it scares me. Just on the verge of tears because I don't know what's wrong with me or why this is happening. I've done my best to tough it out I don't want to burden my family when so much is going on. I've had so many false scares with my generalized anxiety disorder playing havoc with me. I've tried so hard to bother no one. I just feel alone and terrified. I'm so upset I don't even know how to handle it anymore

Good morning all, really early for me. Went to bed at 10 something managed to fall asleep a bit woke up at 2 and found it impossible to go back to sleep so been up since than and gave up. Sleep problems progressively getting worse been hoping it would just go away and haven't wanted to tell anyone in my family I've had this issue. I play off like I'm okay but my generalized anxiety disorder has been funky for months just lots of days of feeling horrible, I dread sleep when I used to love it was the one time there was some peace now i can't even have that. I don't understand why anytime I try to sleep once my eyes are closed and I relax my mind just goes into random thoughts for no reason and I can't sleep it bothers me too much and makes me scared. The thoughts aren't scary in themselves more so having no control over it scares me. Just on the verge of tears because I don't know what's wrong with me or why this is happening. I've done my best to tough it out I don't want to burden my family when so much is going on. I've had so many false scares with my generalized anxiety disorder playing havoc with me. I've tried so hard to bother no one. I just feel alone and terrified. I'm so upset I don't even know how to handle it anymore
JVA... You know i like ya man so don't take this the wrong way... but i have noticed over the time you have been here that there is not a single day you are here that you do not bring up your "disorder"... and most days you mention it several times in the day... which shows you focus on it WAY too much.... obsessively even.

Personally i think you think too much... about the wrong things... particularly ABOUT your disorder and you stay focused on it waaaay too much and associate it with everything in a typical day that isn't "typical" or baby smooth going in your thinking.

MOST of what you claim is a problem associated with your disorder is IMO just typical stuff in most persons day... like mine for example.... i could say i have the same disorder by many of your descriptions of what you deem "a disorder" which you blame for the cause or problem.

When really it is JUST LIFE and no different than most people. ( i think many here would agree)

Listen... i said this before to you...

IF you think too much about something and draw the conclusions that the reason is a "disorder"... then your disorder is YOU thinking it is part of something more than it really is.

You think your a duck hard enough ... soon you will start quacking ... and NO ONE needs a disorder to do so... they only have to believe it.

So... Here is my advice....
Act like your disorder is a suitcase... just set it down and walk away from it... sheesh toss it in the trash can.... and speak of it no more.

You manifest more than you know.

Morning peeps ! Pushing 90 already this morning down here.....getting pretty dry too....not alot of rain this season !! Im going 30 minutes outside working, and then 10 minutes in the boat A.C.

Good morning all, really early for me. Went to bed at 10 something managed to fall asleep a bit woke up at 2 and found it impossible to go back to sleep so been up since than and gave up. Sleep problems progressively getting worse been hoping it would just go away and haven't wanted to tell anyone in my family I've had this issue. I play off like I'm okay but my generalized anxiety disorder has been funky for months just lots of days of feeling horrible, I dread sleep when I used to love it was the one time there was some peace now i can't even have that. I don't understand why anytime I try to sleep once my eyes are closed and I relax my mind just goes into random thoughts for no reason and I can't sleep it bothers me too much and makes me scared. The thoughts aren't scary in themselves more so having no control over it scares me. Just on the verge of tears because I don't know what's wrong with me or why this is happening. I've done my best to tough it out I don't want to burden my family when so much is going on. I've had so many false scares with my generalized anxiety disorder playing havoc with me. I've tried so hard to bother no one. I just feel alone and terrified. I'm so upset I don't even know how to handle it anymore

Sorry to hear you are struggling. I just read ARC's post, and I agree with what he is saying. To be fair though, I think there may only be one on here that has a better understanding of what you are going through. I had noticed you were "better" for a few weeks, as in not dwelling on it as much and have seen a little turn back the past couple of days. The important thing to remember is: we all like you. You are our crew mate on this ship and we would all help you if we knew how. And some of us are going to keep trying to help, (me). Yes, you are under a lot of stress right now. It is hard for everyone/anyone who looses a loved one and then has to deal with the raw emotions of everyone else. Trust me when I say, everyone handles grief differently, and there is a whole lot of raw emotions. Just breath. It will pass.

It is OK for you to reach out to your mom and/or stepdad right now. Let them knnow you are struggling. Keeping it bottled up is not good.

Are you doing your grounding exercises?

I know of a technique, but describing it in a post will not cut it. Maybe I can find you a video.

For now, I repeat, just breath.

Good morning all, really early for me. Went to bed at 10 something managed to fall asleep a bit woke up at 2 and found it impossible to go back to sleep so been up since than and gave up. Sleep problems progressively getting worse been hoping it would just go away and haven't wanted to tell anyone in my family I've had this issue. I play off like I'm okay but my generalized anxiety disorder has been funky for months just lots of days of feeling horrible, I dread sleep when I used to love it was the one time there was some peace now i can't even have that. I don't understand why anytime I try to sleep once my eyes are closed and I relax my mind just goes into random thoughts for no reason and I can't sleep it bothers me too much and makes me scared. The thoughts aren't scary in themselves more so having no control over it scares me. Just on the verge of tears because I don't know what's wrong with me or why this is happening. I've done my best to tough it out I don't want to burden my family when so much is going on. I've had so many false scares with my generalized anxiety disorder playing havoc with me. I've tried so hard to bother no one. I just feel alone and terrified. I'm so upset I don't even know how to handle it anymore
Morning John
Gee that's not a good thing to be having.
We all need our sleep to restore the body, and when we're shorted it starts to effect the overall health of a person.
Some folks take a Melatonin supplement as if it's low it can effect the sleep rhythms also.

When the natural chemistry is off in one sector it can dramatically effect another in the body.
It all gets pretty confusing/time consuming understanding the why's and how to correct.

A simple thing as B12
The two most common donors in supplements are cyanide (making the type of B12 known as cyanocobalamin, or cyano B12) and methyl (making methylcobalamin, or methyl B12). Two other forms you may find are hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

So there are 4 different types and the body absorbs/deals with each one differently.
Folic acid plays a big part in the day -day health also.

Well my electric just went kapooie. Lost internet and had to resort back to my phone. Bare with me. I had a video and have to find it again.
Morning WD
Paying the hydro bill is imperative in todays world. :laughing7:

Morning peeps ! Pushing 90 already this morning down here.....getting pretty dry too....not alot of rain this season !! Im going 30 minutes outside working, and then 10 minutes in the boat A.C.
Morning Bart
It's getting hot there already.

Didn't cool down over night here so the ramp up is quick.
Little 90% humanity doesn't help either.

Stay cool

Good morning, ARC, Pepper, Trav, and JVA, Bart, releventchair, RTR, Crash, Evan, Ole Tex, Bama, blossom, and (I know I am forgetting others, so) all ye other pirates!
Morning Lady WD. Have a fantabulous day.

It’s called Yoga Nidra.
Here’s one video, but there’s a lot more on YouTube. You need to find a voice that is calm and soothing to you. When I learned it, good golly 45+/- years ago, the lady on the record ( yep that’s dating it) said to imagine a light starting at the top of your head. As the light shines on your body, imagine stress going out and calm going in. And she talked me through all the way to the tips of my toes. I still do this to fall asleep sometimes. Most of the time I fall asleep before I get very far.


I don't comment much on people's problems.....its not my place to give medical advice !! That being said I have read up on your generalized anxiety disorder. Alcohol is not your friend need sleep john....and you should think about seeking real professional help. Thats about the only thing I can say or do for you to help.....not much !! All the solutions for you will be determined by you !! You are the master of your own destiny.....only you can really help must seek help and stick with a treatment routine. Only you can help yourself ...... there are many alternatives and treatments for your disorder, but you must be willing to try these can't just shrug them off and continue like you are with no help.

All this sounds like us being hard on you.....its not brother.....we all wish you the best in your struggle......but your the one who has to fight for the freedom from this affliction. The struggle is must fight for relief.....good luck......I probably will not comment on this anymore.....but I want you to know that I understand you are struggling and accept you for who you must decide to take control and do something about it. Good luck john.....and once more my professional help and stick to a long term treatment program.....thats all I really got for advice.....not to much I can really do !!

Morning WD
Paying the hydro bill is imperative in todays world. :laughing7:
That’s not the problem. They have been putting up new poles for months now. Could be something to do with that. Or a wreck, or power grid overload.

Morning Blossom
We'z see you swimming around the ship

How's the thought process going on the new detector purchase going?
And a good day to u sir!! Its looks the perfect vessel from this angle… until Captin wonders past in those … shorts… some things u can never unsee… 😱 xx

And yes my search for the ultimate machine continues….!!! x

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