THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning, ARC, Pepperj , Oregon Viking, and all ye others still swinging in the hammock.


Mornin all.

WD: You'll have a riot.

A friend used to dive the river and pick lead (from the salmon snagging era , average one ounce each snagging hook) and lures.

A diver before the Newago dam was removed claimed many pounds of lead in ten minutes. Plus lots of lures.
He reported snags/trees that looked like Christmas trees there was so much tackle on them.
Which I believe. As I've pulled some snags with a self built grappling hook that yielded lots of lures.

Another guy I knew used to snorkel a river near me where tubers and canoe renters lost all kinds of stuff. Full beers. A money clip one time. Sunglasses and more sunglasses . Ect..

Anywhere boats launch or dock , ice fishing sites.
Heck , if I could have back the ice spuds and anchors I've seen go bye bye...

The newer style method of using Augers to drill through Ice has had a few augers go through the ice. They make a "keeper" disc now for many.

A lake nearby has a scuttled canoe divers report past the launch in deeper water.
A museum farther on has a birchbark canoe recovered out of the first lake I knew. (And fished!)

Not a new frontier. But a less hunted one around this region for you(s)!

Yes, I think we will. The plan in the beginning was a friend wanted to take me to find old bottles. Then he added checking some reefs for lures and other tackle. There are several quarries set up for diving. Gilboa is a popular one. It’s supposed to have good visibility.

Sycophant, sycophant, thy name is pepper.
After reading all of these random ridiculous posts, curiosity finally won out and I had to look up this word , “sycophant.” I discovered that I didn’t know what “obsequiously “ meant either.

My feet barely touch the deck as I fetch the finest rum for the greatest Cap'n of all time! Rum Fetcher! Never in my wildest dreams. I will never let you down, Cap'n. Glory be to Cap'n Arc!
My feet barely touch the deck as I fetch the finest rum for the greatest Cap'n of all time! Rum Fetcher! Never in my wildest dreams. I will never let you down, Cap'n. Glory be to Cap'n Arc!
Hope you are more careful with the captain’s rum than you are with the crew’s grog!


I just know long term me getting angry only makes division and won't help the situation. My step dad and mother would not benefit from an outburst of anger. I would never endanger my mother's part of the inheritance. I may have a bit of a temper but I do sit back and think about a situation before I act. Always weight the outcomes of an action, the question always is "is it worth it" and "is it logical".
I have not read through all the posts concerning this, so I may be stating something these others have. If/when the opportunity arises, let your stepfather know that you see all he has done and is doing for your mother and you and family. That is something positive that you can do and may be just enough to get through the stressful times.

For those who may be interested I heard from Creaky Digger last night.He,s doing well in all respects and sends his regards to all.Busy buying and selling books. He can be found on Gab,under Geezers of Gab.
Thanks for the update. I do hope he comes back here, though. Even though we didn’t interact much on Tnet, I did enjoy his posts& comments.

Good morning Cap'n, Lady WD, Sir Pepper, OV, and all you other groovy pirates. Have a great day.
Good morning Traveller777
May you have a great day in your unobtrusive ingratiate ways while doing the rum runs that you're now responsible for it seems.
Though your platter runneth over with the tidings of curry favor towards the master at the helm.

Meanwhile I will be relaxing in the bilges of the ship with little or no responsibilities hanging over me.
That's what's so great in being low hanging fruit, it gets missed so often, as the higher up ones get picked.

When do you write the exam for the certification?
The written exam is tonight and I will be buying a dive computer, and possibly more. I have already figured out that I hate the weight belt! I am going to get something with the weight system built in. We will be setting a date for the final check out to be certified. It has to be done in a quarry, probably Golboa or Natural Springs. However, the instructor and my two friends are all going out of town for a while, so it might be another week or two.

Good morning Traveller777
May you have a great day in your unobtrusive ingratiate ways while doing the rum runs that you're now responsible for it seems.
Though your platter runneth over with the tidings of curry favor towards the master at the helm.

Meanwhile I will be relaxing in the bilges of the ship with little or no responsibilities hanging over me.
That's what's so great in being low hanging fruit, it gets missed so often, as the higher up ones get picked.
Why thank you, Bilge Mate 5th Class. Pepper. Hear that tap, tap, noise? That is the sound of my feet walking above you on the deck in the fresh air taking our magnificent Cap'n his morning rum and breakfast. He is such a glorious leader.

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