Speaking of Bob Munden,I saw him split a pistol bullet on a axe blade once on his TV program.
One of the annual blackpowder shoots we attended regular , the last station of the woods walk (varied targets varied distances . Cut a string ,cut a playing card with it edge facing you ect.) was a double bitted axe blade in a block with an edge facing you. A clay pigeon about three inches each side of that blade.
You had to split your lead ball and break both pigeons.
Ex was bragging me up as the group we were shooting with approached the last station as in "he gets this".
I was neither a top shooter often , or a blood shooter /must win at all costs or be a whiner or angry after. But I sure didn't want everyone focused on me.
I've blundered some shots. O.K. I've blundered period.
Three falls of the hammer at a station is the rule. Your gun don't go off by then you're done and get a goose egg.
This is why you learn a particular gun , and all for that matter. Care and feeding kind of thing.
Not sure where in que I was being nervous of being studied but my first fall of the hammer on old faithful resulted in just the cap going off.
(A good way to tell if someone flinches!)
Dog gone it!
Recapped , and same thing........ Pop!
That leaves one more try. So I pulled the nipple and added some fine 4FFFF gunpowder (carried for just such an occurrence , note I don't call it an emergency . Angry grizzly would have had me a while ago already) into the flash channel.
I'd pulled an earplug to converse while frogging around and as I dumped the small amount of powder (rifle barrel muzzle down and roughly toward target for safety) I could hear something on the leaves. It was powder. Running through an empty barrel I hadn't loaded!
"I'm done" I told a friend in the group.
But you get one more try he said.
Ya I replied. But I'm not going to be able to make the shot now!
Sheesh. (Red faced icon.)