If it helps,I could rent the Mr. my 4 horse and twelve foot boat.
He could sleep in it and eat pop tarts for supper.
Yeah. From what I read , the East side gets pretty crazy. Not just the D-river or any other water either....
Wind and "color" (water clarity)are the top considerations.
Floating and submerged debris floating around the next.
Then depth and offerings ,rigs, presentation.
Might be nets set at times too. Lots of mad anglers when those get hit due to not being marked well ,or even marked legally sometimes.
Then there are the people.... l.o.l..
I have an inland lake far from there where I've worked walleye the most.
No pressure. No entry fee. No crazy pack of red and bug eyed anglers competing for a spot to drift. Let alone running through someone else's drift. Boat. Lines. Stability when someone making wake heads back upstream for another drift.
Or cuts in...