I guess I should start wearing the gopro again.....everyone wants to see the underwater world of the keys.....it would be an eyeopener to most treasure hunters !! There is alot going on in the water here !! Yestrday I saw at least 5 species of fish, and 2 big lobsters. There were blue crabs that will pinch the sh.t out of ya also !! Big cassiopia jelly fish in one area, and I paused for a moment to sit in a cloud of thousands and thousands of glass minnows. I snuck up on a barracuda and saw him strike and eat a small snapper !! It would be a real eye opener to those who use scoops, and you guys would see that they are not usable at alot of spots.....what often looks like pure sand is actually just a thin layer over coral rock bottom......I choose these spots because I know any attempts by the wade and scoop crowd have failed and they've moved on. This strategy is why I get gold alot.....there are only a few of us snorkeling detectorists !! Take note when you watch the YouTube videos.....most of the superstars of underwater hunting don't use scoops !! My problem is that I'm an extreme minalamist.....no scoop, no headphones, no swim fins, and no digging tool.....sometimes with a wetsuit I have no pockets !! Ill wear my rings while I hunt, and pile the clad in one spot on the bottom to retrieve later !! The underwater world is incredible down here and I often have 50 ft. Visability.....several of the good spots for fresh drops, and all my galleon spots are like swimming in a fish tank....a really nice well kept fish tank !! Ill have to get this all on the gopro.....your head is on a swivel, and your always looking over your back.....you never know what will sneak up on you !! Time to up my game on you tube also.....going shark fishing today with my nephews and son, so ill start with the gopro today !! Woooo hooo !! Another day another adventure !!