THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

So two weeks ago, I submitted my application to apply for railroad conductor. Or so I thought. It turns out that the twat of a receptionist never gave my paperwork to HR like she promised. So two weeks have gone by where I thought they were reviewing my application, but in reality that were not. So yesterday I re-did my paperwork, and made sure it got to HR, which it actually did this time.

So two weeks ago, I submitted my application to apply for railroad conductor. Or so I thought. It turns out that the twat of a receptionist never gave my paperwork to HR like she promised. So two weeks have gone by where I thought they were reviewing my application, but in reality that were not. So yesterday I re-did my paperwork, and made sure it got to HR, which it actually did this time.
All bureaucrats are slated to spend eternity in the seventh circle of hell.

Oh the list of the displaced ivories
First go was in high school, bottom front 6 flattened by a hockey stick, not a backhander either.
Guy had a slight issue of ownership on a gal, and I said backhand it Tim.
He turned did a world series swing, broke the jaw chin on up.
Went into the surgery the next morning to get it fixed up, hard to talk for 8+ weeks after.

The Queens Cowboy kicked a couple of the lower left molars out-just because I was speeding.

Got 3 on the right side taken out when a guy on PCP took a wrong spin on my skull, after I offered up some shrooms.

Then I lost another front when a drunken Indian attacked in the middle of the night while sleeping with a full 26 oz Pepsi bottle broke also the nose and cheek bone, still have the long scar running out of the right nostril.
Then there's a few scapes with knuckles that produced a loss.
So the ivories are long gone, been a full plate guy for many years, partials since the rough young teens.

No horn playing for you for a while!
Or singing.
Cracking walnuts with your teeth.
Opening beer bottles by mouth.
Chewing gum.
Blowing up balloons.

Well , you know....


No horn playing for you for a while!
Or singing.
Cracking walnuts with your teeth.
Opening beer bottles by mouth.
Chewing gum.
Blowing up balloons.

Well , you know....

Maybe it's called the school of hard knocks.
Knucklehead was often quoted growing up.😅

Well took the Max out and it not pretty sounding. Limbs coming down every few minutes, heard a tree coming down up on the sugar bush shack side.
Icicles hanging everywhere, going g up to 50 F over night, then dropping right off like RC Stated.

Flash freeze hit a little while ago.
It's a pellet kind of snow now.
Good that the pooling water got drained off the parking area.

A nearby road through the woods the other day after snowing and blowing at night needed plowed.
More to push the fallen branches off than the snow....

Good morning pirates!


58 footer lost a steering pump on the way down. Had to get in by boot key harbor, and jump from one boat to the next....I was able to strip and rebuild the pump in an hour flat. We got going again and got to keywest right at sunset !!

Well if that's it then I guess I'll wear that one.

Though too many times in life we don't speak up when we hear/read something that isn't right.
Don't want to rock the boat-the old saying goes.
Don't want to stir up, to upset.
Play that forever safe centre field in life.
Make sure all the pegs fit in every structured hole.

Folks might take their Freedom for granted, protected and all.
All pretty written on a piece of parchment hung up there all pretty, laced with a bow.

Might as well throw it in the trash can when it's trampled by the powers.

I respect a person equally if they got/had to be vaccinated, as I respect those that haven't.

But I will not stand and zip it closed, when I hear the shit of it should be forced upon people.
Nope, it stops right there-the line is crossed.

Was I wrong/or right? That is my choice, I am outspoken, and I don't backdown in life.(again my choice)

I feel that this was motivated more than it shows on the surface, behind the scenes stir up.
Well if it was to poke the bear-well it didn't play nicely in return

So my dear pirates on the ship, it is what it is-I'm not taking anything back, but my back is turned to those types that think in that manner.
I do apologize for darkening the mood on the chat though, but if we can't be honest in life we might as well not say anything at all.
I write, and share things, some tads of dark-but I also try to show as well, the lighter side of one's life.

That's all I will say about that.
Any questions please do it by a PM-after your allotted rum ration(s) as I'm thinking some might need a double.
Right there with you buddy. I as well respect one's choice. But I for sure will speak my mind if I find something wrong. If feelings get hurt well that's life move along life goes on. Now that being said I harbor no ill will once the argument is done to anyone I may not agree and spoke out but regardless still hold respect for said person I disagreed with. My all have the rights to our opinions and should be able to voice them. What was said is done we all know how we feel about said subject time to move on and let by gones be by gones.

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