THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well I just got back from seeing the saw bones.
What a useless tit.
Doesn't take blood-even though I just paid $130 for a physical report for my class D drivers.
So now I have to book an appointment for bloodwork.
Geez getting this appt. and asking for a few things was like I asked her out of a date. (Not likely)
Maybe it is just because I don't generate enough money for the clinic.
2 1/2 yrs since the last appt.
Bloody hell I'm turning into a hypochondriac.
It,s a racket pep.Don,t misunderstand,there,s some good docs out there. But since most peoples insurance pays the bill they don,t have any idea what it really costs or what,s being paid for. Here,the docs own the clinics that do the diagnostic work, referring you to the clinic for blood work or tests is another way to bill the Ins. companies some more. Plus they get to charge another co-pay and office fee. A racket,in other words.

good afternoon pirates! My dad had a procedure this morning it went well and then we went out to breakfast and then we went to antique places. We didn’t buy a darn thing. We had a good day though we’re all tired. I hope you all had a good day too.
Glad to hear your Dad did well WD. Enjoy being with him!

Evening all.

Heavy wet snow. Hard freeze coming tomorrow.
Got some shoveling done before dentist time.
(Broke the last crown they'd glued back on off again last night too..Just brought it with me without calling them yet again...

Got the road plowed and most the drive blown out. Good enough for who it's for.
Neighbors going to have to drive on what they have.
No one dragged bottom enough to come over and shovel the ramp , or clear off the plow truck , or see if I was still alive , so they must be alright. L.O.L..
Did see drag marks on the road from someone.
But I really wanted the end of the road at main road (uphill to main road) cleared of the county plows pile off before it froze. Sure everyone did.

Man, releventchair, you sure are having a time of it with your dental work. I hope that all gets straightened out soon. You’re a good guy for all the snow removal. I guess you will be hunkered down all weekend.


It,s a racket pep.Don,t misunderstand,there,s some good docs out there. But since most peoples insurance pays the bill they don,t have any idea what it really costs or what,s being paid for. Here,the docs own the clinics that do the diagnostic work, referring you to the clinic for blood work or tests is another way to bill the Ins. companies some more. Plus they get to charge another co-pay and office fee. A racket,in other words.

When I made the appt. they said the Dr. would do my bloodwork, but the Bi.... sent me to the labs.
I was at home ready to go to the city for the bloodwork to be done and I found out she marked B12 down on the paperwork instead of D.
So I had to drive back to town get it changed.
INEPT-well I shouldn't knock her too bad, she took a listen to my lungs, and said they sounded nice and clear.
NOTE: She listened through 3 layers of clothing, top was a sweater.
The bonus was I had my winter coat off already this time.
Can't make these things up.
The vampire was a gem-sucked out the blood no problem didn't even knew she did it.
Pouring rain out this evening, knocking the snow down a good amount.

Somebody call?

Well never did give me an answer did he.
Come to think about it ARC spoke on that very subject.
Ask a question and get no reply.
Just saw that,confused me!:laughing7: But nobody called,to answer your query.I think,now I,m even more confused.Help me out here!:laughing7:

Just saw that,confused me!:laughing7: But nobody called,to answer your query.I think,now I,m even more confused.Help me out here!:laughing7:
horse supplement.webp

And then I asked what was the 🐎 joint supplement?
There sir is the story, no more, no less.

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Man, releventchair, you sure are having a time of it with your dental work. I hope that all gets straightened out soon. You’re a good guy for all the snow removal. I guess you will be hunkered down all weekend.

We'll see about hunkering down.
I did get flowers Ect. for Valentines Day today while I was out. L.o.l.. Supply no problem now.
Should get more ahead on dog food. Maybe some more flour and such .
Have beer left from...A long time ago , so there's one for the SuperBowl should the mood strike.
Much as we've been enjoying the Olympics , the game might get missed.

Scuttlebutt elsewhere regarding U.S. truckers had a small mention of getting squared up before 3/1/22. Claims they're going for a ride a-cross country. :dontknow:
Don't take that as more than a rumor from me. Naughty as rumors are. And me for repeating one.

Bought the missus one of those aero garden hydroponic kits for Christmas well she fired up 3 of the 6 pods of lettuce 2 weeks ago so far so good. Odds are about another month before we can start harvesting we'll probably start the other 3 pods in 2 weeks to get a rotation going. Fresh free lettuce year round is a nice touch.


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