THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I really got to witness the old adage "can't teach an old dog new tricks" my wife was a mess and really upset most of the day yesterday. It was so difficult for her to let go of what essentially is cheap junk....I know she was emotionally destroyed, and physically drained from yesterday's work.

Now on the other hand my 9 year old son was a champion...he was very realistic with himself, and us working together in his room were able to make quick decisions and let go of a tremendous amount of old toys and clothes. Being young and never having done this deep clean out before, allowed him to really learn how to do this, and really get it right and let it all go if its not getting really proud of how hard he worked !!
Yeah its amazing isn't it .Everything comes in ,and nothing leaves ,Its like a black-hole

🌞i prefer sunshine.....but thank you for your kind offer sir. Soon it will warm to 60, and I'll be able to get out there and open the house to air out !! Im ready for an overly caffinated coffee now !!

My oldest brother who passed last year started working full time at 14 at a dairy farm. They'd head off on a horse and wagon at 4:30 a.m. to deliver the raw milk to a dairy in town for processing. Try doing that in the middle of winter and good luck with that.
It's kind of crazy thinking what some did back in days even in our young lives Bill.
My father did 15 yrs on the log booms 365 outdoors at the mill.
I remember getting up at 1:30 AM when I was still preschool, and seeing my dad leaning over the kitchen stove warming his face.
I asked him what he was doing?
Just getting warmed up a little-now you go back to bed.
It wasn't till later that day I saw his face and it was red raw from the exposure from being out for 8 hrs on the lake running logs up the jack ladder.
It humbles me thinking back what he did to provide.

🌞i prefer sunshine.....but thank you for your kind offer sir. Soon it will warm to 60, and I'll be able to get out there and open the house to air out !! Im ready for an overly caffinated coffee now !!
We have sunshine! And I can go get you a lollypop even.:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Been putting stuff in the the first time ever, I opened the trap door to the attic, and 40degree air came rolling out....usually its 140 degree air:sunny::sunny::sunny:

I really got to witness the old adage "can't teach an old dog new tricks" my wife was a mess and really upset most of the day yesterday. It was so difficult for her to let go of what essentially is cheap junk....I know she was emotionally destroyed, and physically drained from yesterday's work.

Now on the other hand my 9 year old son was a champion...he was very realistic with himself, and us working together in his room were able to make quick decisions and let go of a tremendous amount of old toys and clothes. Being young and never having done this deep clean out before, allowed him to really learn how to do this, and really get it right and let it all go if its not getting really proud of how hard he worked !!
Well I hope you didn’t make her get rid of anything with sentimental value. That’s how we are wired, ya know. If it was a gift from you, your son, any of her family members, trust me, you are going to have one sad puppy on your hands.

Well I hope you didn’t make her get rid of anything with sentimental value. That’s how we are wired, ya know. If it was a gift from you, your son, any of her family members, trust me, you are going to have one sad puppy on your hands.
True WD
The littlest thing then spark a memory when we get on in life. But without that little thing, there's little that will help renew that again.
From just reconnecting mildly with a sibling it has even helped spark some :laughing7::dontknow::icon_scratch::BangHead::unhappysmiley::crybaby2::evil5::o👁️ memories.

Well I hope you didn’t make her get rid of anything with sentimental value. That’s how we are wired, ya know. If it was a gift from you, your son, any of her family members, trust me, you are going to have one sad puppy on your hands.
Oh boy....let me tell you WD. That was the absolute toughest thing....I can be a tyrant over this stuff and im very assertive and....well....a real ass !! She cried and cried most of the day and we clashed and argued over most things. In the end the reality of our barley 1600 square ft home became the determing factor, and every decision must be based on this realization. As a woman....can you tell me how many hand bags, and pairs of shoes are reasonable to keep in such a small home. We have had to make sensible, and realistic decisions on the amount of all our belongings. Once the question is posed and thought about, it becomes very clear that 15 pairs of shoes is not reasonable. Soaps, lotions, clothes, shoes, hair products, and make-up, must be kept to reasonable levels. Huge amounts of nasty, rusty, corroded artifacts must also be appropriate and kept under control, along with toys, and clothes that don't fit, and all the cards pictures, and candles etc.etc.etc... the list goes on. I just got done heaping her up with praise and encouragement, and thanks for the obvious hard work and tough emotionally drainig decisions she had to make yesterday. I was over the top aggressive yesterday in an effort to break her down, and now we need to build her back up in confidence and a new direction for this household !!

its 42 here
Will you even go outside?
I can remember in /09 if I recall correctly it was Mother's Day when it was warm enough to shed the windbreaker.
Tampa Bay chilly breezes were a drag.

Oh boy....let me tell you WD. That was the absolute toughest thing....I can be a tyrant over this stuff and im very assertive and....well....a real ass !! She cried and cried most of the day and we clashed and argued over most things. In the end the reality of our barley 1600 square ft home became the determing factor, and every decision must be based on this realization. As a woman....can you tell me how many hand bags, and pairs of shoes are reasonable to keep in such a small home. We have had to make sensible, and realistic decisions on the amount of all our belongings. Once the question is posed and thought about, it becomes very clear that 15 pairs of shoes is not reasonable. Soaps, lotions, clothes, shoes, hair products, and make-up, must be kept to reasonable levels. Huge amounts of nasty, rusty, corroded artifacts must also be appropriate and kept under control, along with toys, and clothes that don't fit, and all the cards pictures, and candles etc.etc.etc... the list goes on. I just got done heaping her up with praise and encouragement, and thanks for the obvious hard work and tough emotionally drainig decisions she had to make yesterday. I was over the top aggressive yesterday in an effort to break her down, and now we need to build her back up in confidence and a new direction for this household !!
At least you’re honest. For the record, Mr WD has more shoes and clothes than I do. I clean mine out periodically. It’s part of being a good shepherd. Yes, you can remind her of that. But, please, if it’s the ugliest kitty cat figurine made in china, that her grandma gave her when she was 10 and now her grandma is gone, don’t make her give it away. That’s what I am saying. There’s a line. Be a hard arse but don’t be an insensitive jerk. I am just trying to save you some heart aches.

Oh boy....let me tell you WD. That was the absolute toughest thing....I can be a tyrant over this stuff and im very assertive and....well....a real ass !! She cried and cried most of the day and we clashed and argued over most things. In the end the reality of our barley 1600 square ft home became the determing factor, and every decision must be based on this realization. As a woman....can you tell me how many hand bags, and pairs of shoes are reasonable to keep in such a small home. We have had to make sensible, and realistic decisions on the amount of all our belongings. Once the question is posed and thought about, it becomes very clear that 15 pairs of shoes is not reasonable. Soaps, lotions, clothes, shoes, hair products, and make-up, must be kept to reasonable levels. Huge amounts of nasty, rusty, corroded artifacts must also be appropriate and kept under control, along with toys, and clothes that don't fit, and all the cards pictures, and candles etc.etc.etc... the list goes on. I just got done heaping her up with praise and encouragement, and thanks for the obvious hard work and tough emotionally drainig decisions she had to make yesterday. I was over the top aggressive yesterday in an effort to break her down, and now we need to build her back up in confidence and a new direction for this household !!
So you're doing the purge, I can certainly relate that there comes a time in life that it has to happen.
A new beginning on things that are more important.
15 pairs? Gee not even close to my little Imelda. :laughing7:
Though the new Mrs has been doing great-new runners come in-the old gets out.

A fresh start for the new year....we will save and invest more 20 dollar scratch off tickets, no more instacart deliveries, no more daily Amazon packages, no more "hello fresh" deliveries, no more "wild fork" deliveries, and absolutely no ordering fish from out of state when I have a freezer full of fresh caught snapper, grouper, and tuna. We are stream lining, budgeting, and investing this year. I've just started creating NFTs, and investing in crypto, and cautiously investing in the markets in this obvious slump/crash thats taking place.

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At least you’re honest. For the record, Mr WD has more shoes and clothes than I do. I clean mine out periodically. It’s part of being a good shepherd. Yes, you can remind her of that. But, please, if it’s the ugliest kitty cat figurine made in china, that her grandma gave her when she was 10 and now her grandma is gone, don’t make her give it away. That’s what I am saying. There’s a line. Be a hard arse but don’t be an insensitive jerk. I am just trying to save you some heart aches.
It is a very fine line between a-hole, and hero. Im trying hard not to be to assertive, and not letting my foot off the gas. Its tough. Im trying to accumulate things that appreciate in value, not depreciate !! I refuse to load this house with Chinese dollar tree trash, and keep the valuable art, glass, and antiques.

At least you’re honest. For the record, Mr WD has more shoes and clothes than I do. I clean mine out periodically. It’s part of being a good shepherd. Yes, you can remind her of that. But, please, if it’s the ugliest kitty cat figurine made in china, that her grandma gave her when she was 10 and now her grandma is gone, don’t make her give it away. That’s what I am saying. There’s a line. Be a hard arse but don’t be an insensitive jerk. I am just trying to save you some heart aches.
Oh I just have to look at the reflection in the mirror to say Zip it!
The purge is going to happen-it's on the Mrs and my to-do list. :headbang:
But the there's little things that will stay with us till we part here soils as we know it.

If it brings one a little joy-what real harm does it do really.
My Mrs has a long calf skin leather coat. She bought it with her first pay cheque in /68
Soft leather, and she's been saying for 35 yrs when she looks at it-someday I want to do something with it, get something made out of it-and that's it-a memory, of when life really started-harmless little bit of joy.
Something that I will never take away from her-as it's respecting her lovely happy memory .

At least you’re honest. For the record, Mr WD has more shoes and clothes than I do. I clean mine out periodically. It’s part of being a good shepherd. Yes, you can remind her of that. But, please, if it’s the ugliest kitty cat figurine made in china, that her grandma gave her when she was 10 and now her grandma is gone, don’t make her give it away. That’s what I am saying. There’s a line. Be a hard arse but don’t be an insensitive jerk. I am just trying to save you some heart aches.
I own all the fine glass, antiques, and yes figurines....including 2 porcelain cats...they are valuable collector pieces, that i may sell to generate investing money. We got a bunch of my sons school work and art that was agreed on, into a scrap book to be viewed in the future !! I would never just throw these things out even though I want willing to keep some but not all !! And it will have to be stored and presented in an appropriate way....not piled on the dresser !!.....right ??

A fresh start for the new year....we will save and invest more 20 dollar scratch off tickets, no more instacart deliveries, no more daily Amazon packages, no more "hello fresh" deliveries, no more "wild fork" deliveries, and absolutely no ordering fish from out of state when I have a freezer full of fresh caught snapper, grouper, and tuna. We are stream lining, budgeting, and investing this year. I've just started creating NFTs, and investing in crypto, and cautiously investing in the markets in this obvious slump/crash thats taking place.
Well I can see by what you're saying you are turning a new leaf, and putting on the brakes to the needless purchasing.
It's an addiction really, filling a need of some sorts they say.
I was listening to a program about this daily package on the doorstep addiction.
Never have known this ourselves but I see the courier van running around the hamlet.
Buddy said a few times-oh that is going to drop off at one of his son's doorsteps-happens every day.....

A fresh start for the new year....we will save and invest more 20 dollar scratch off tickets, no more instacart deliveries, no more daily Amazon packages, no more "hello fresh" deliveries, no more "wild fork" deliveries, and absolutely no ordering fish from out of state when I have a freezer full of fresh caught snapper, grouper, and tuna. We are stream lining, budgeting, and investing this year. I've just started creating NFTs, and investing in crypto, and cautiously investing in the markets in this obvious slump/crash thats taking place.
Bart, Here's a couple of U.S. stocks to give you some nice pocket change. ETF's(Exchange traded funds). XYLD they write covered calls on the S&P500 and QYLD they write coverded calls on the Nasdaq. XYLD currently pays out 9.58% annualized but pay out monthly. QYLD currently pays monthly also at an annualized rate of 11.80%. Just tell the missus not to spend all those fat dividends on replacing those 15 pairs of shoes....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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