THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

The Mr has planned a trip with 3 of his friends to go fishing. I jokingly told him that he had to take me and my metal detector because I know someone down there who might be able to take me detecting. Well, he agreed to that. I don’t know what to do. Threw me a curveball. I was stretching the Truth. Now I am anxious about going for it or not. A road trip in a RV to the end of the world with 4 guys and reach out to another guy I’ve never met or stay home and plan something with the peeps I know and hope the weather is good? I got a couple months to make the call.

The Mr has planned a trip with 3 of his friends to go fishing. I jokingly told him that he had to take me and my metal detector because I know someone down there who might be able to take me detecting. Well, he agreed to that. I don’t know what to do. Threw me a curveball. I was stretching the Truth. Now I am anxious about going for it or not. A road trip in a RV to the end of the world with 4 guys and reach out to another guy I’ve never met or stay home and plan something with the peeps I know and hope the weather is good? I got a couple months to make the call.
Might be an adventure either way WD.
Time to get the old chalk board out and do the pro's and con's columns.
A couple of months away still might be a tad early to dig at home.

All this home heating talk yesterday got me thinking....
. This morning @ 10:00 it was 38* & sunny outside. Furnace was set at 67* .............Experimenting with a Emergency blanket ............
With the inside door open and the outside glass door shut. Look at the reading on laser temp gun. Sitting 6 ft. away in that chair I could feel that 100* reading.

The Mr has planned a trip with 3 of his friends to go fishing. I jokingly told him that he had to take me and my metal detector because I know someone down there who might be able to take me detecting. Well, he agreed to that. I don’t know what to do. Threw me a curveball. I was stretching the Truth. Now I am anxious about going for it or not. A road trip in a RV to the end of the world with 4 guys and reach out to another guy I’ve never met or stay home and plan something with the peeps I know and hope the weather is good? I got a couple months to make the call.
I know a guy, who knows a guy, if you make it all the way down to the end of the world !!:laughing7::laughing7::icon_thumleft:

I bet if the Mylar was mounted to something like cardboard so its nice & FLAT, it would radiate even more heat:icon_scratch:. And could be easily moved from room to room in front of sun exposed windows to generate heat :):occasion14:
Also it lights up the entire room -like daytime-w/no lights on .

Mornin all.
Snow squeaking under my wheels. Hints of zero degrees enough to not look at the thermometer.

Quiet neighborhood . No distractions while I do my morning cardio strange version of a cross between kung foo and tai chi using a shovel.
Which eventually leads to a drift into nirvana and elsewhere thoughts of ....

A canoe is a versatile craft. Easily suspends itself atop frozen , and the rare unfrozen ; water when the temp is around zero for extended periods of time. Usually manually propelled by hand using narrow shovels.
Weather /clime such as today's the keel and port and starboard below should be lined with sacrificial strips of wood (traditional) or polyurethane (modern) to reduce wear on the hull when propelled across ice .
Should exhaustion or hypothermia set in after a few miles , the canoe can make a good windbreak for a fire. Or , if using traditional wood in it's build or at least sacrificial wooden wear strips ; provide wood to burn.

In the event of blizzard or heavy snowfall (heavy being over a foot an hour) the canoe can become an instant shelter by turning it upside down. CAUTION ; Do not turn canoe upside down in the water to use it as a shelter!
Yes the water(where encountered in rare season when waterways are not frozen top to bottom) is often warmer. But severely restricts the ability of humans to breath.

A step up for the wealthy at mobility shopping time is the "scratcher".
One can be modified to fit a canoe . But reduces the beneficial cardio aspect of propulsion by shovel..

Should you choose someone to accompany you , look for someone who shovels snow several months of the year and understands what a J-stroke is.
Yes , they will know other strokes , like the paddlewheel. Usually reserved for the first major storm of the year dumping three feet of snow on the very day a wife's water (water=unfrozen ice) breaks two weeks early , the baby is trying to peek out , and the car is buried.
Tradition had hot water (water = unfrozen ice) being heated in such times of emergency.
It didn't change anything , but the person heating water got out of shoveling snow furiously.
And got the water heater upper forgotten in the kitchen during the chaos out of helping paddle the canoe to the hospital after the panicked paddlewheel effort cleared a path to and around the car ; only to find the road unplowed.

A member here runs a scratcher. Don't know when he was on last.

The Mr has planned a trip with 3 of his friends to go fishing. I jokingly told him that he had to take me and my metal detector because I know someone down there who might be able to take me detecting. Well, he agreed to that. I don’t know what to do. Threw me a curveball. I was stretching the Truth. Now I am anxious about going for it or not. A road trip in a RV to the end of the world with 4 guys and reach out to another guy I’ve never met or stay home and plan something with the peeps I know and hope the weather is good? I got a couple months to make the call.
My advice: Let the men have their fishing trip. Then use it as leverage later to go somewhere you really want to go.

Our friends brought us some potato soup. It was delicious! I will pass on the cabbage. Of course, it would be a good use for the masks. 😷
WD, You have Polish blood and don't eat cabbage....that's like an Italian not eating pasta....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Might be an adventure either way WD.
Time to get the old chalk board out and do the pro's and con's columns.
A couple of months away still might be a tad early to dig at home.

I know a guy, who knows a guy, if you make it all the way down to the end of the world !!:laughing7::laughing7::icon_thumleft:

My advice: Let the men have their fishing trip. Then use it as leverage later to go somewhere you really want to go.
The Mr is big time working on a to do list. He’s been telling his friends that he’s going to take me to meet some of my TNET friends. Bart, he’s been talking about going to the keys since last fall. I have bragged on you a lot and he really got a kick out of that token deal. He has a Florida trip on the back burner. But this trip is for another ( did anyone get the clues? Lol)
And yes, Boatlode, I thought the same thing, but I am with these guys a lot. Snoring and farting around in the RV pales in comparison to using the bucket on the boat. He’s pretty adamant about me tagging along. Pro/con board is a good idea. I am getting a trip to a bottle show out of this new MR WD. That’s different. He’s not doing all of the tournaments either. Talking about fishing other lakes. Shoot fire! Who knows where this is going. I think he may have to retire.

WD, You have Polish blood and don't eat cabbage....that's like an Italian not eating pasta....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
OMG , Bill! I could smell the cabbage through the screen! My mom used to cook it a lot. Stunk up the whole house!

I bet if the Mylar was mounted to something like cardboard so its nice & FLAT, it would radiate even more heat:icon_scratch:. And could be easily moved from room to room in front of sun exposed windows to generate heat :):occasion14:
Also it lights up the entire room -like daytime-w/no lights on .
My daughter had a science project once. She had to cook a hot dog without any electricity or fire. Mr WD got one of those styrofoam coolers that medicine is transported in. Lined it with aluminum foil. Stuck a couple pieces of wire hangers through the cooler and set it in the sun. She got an A+.

The Mr has planned a trip with 3 of his friends to go fishing. I jokingly told him that he had to take me and my metal detector because I know someone down there who might be able to take me detecting. Well, he agreed to that. I don’t know what to do. Threw me a curveball. I was stretching the Truth. Now I am anxious about going for it or not. A road trip in a RV to the end of the world with 4 guys and reach out to another guy I’ve never met or stay home and plan something with the peeps I know and hope the weather is good? I got a couple months to make the call.
I hope it’s not to Indiana, I’ll have to hide again

I hope it’s not to Indiana, I’ll have to hide again
You know I got peeps over there. I just don’t tell you of our coming and going any more. In 2020 I went with the grandkids trick or treating in Pendleton and we did the hayride farm playground thing you guys have over there. That place was great fun. We had every intention of making that a yearly trip with the grandkids. Stayed a few times in Anderson, Hagerstown and Lebanon the past few years and went to Brookville Lake. I think your radar was on the fritz or something. 🤣🤣🤣

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