THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

So far all the Crash family are doing well,we,re not going out a lot except for the needed things.Wife and Daughter work at the school and the Grandson is 6 so he,s not in the cohort that usually gets it.Glad your bout was mild my friend.Hang in there.
I'm feeling 100%. For whatever reason on my dad's side of the family covid just doesn't do much. I'm surprised I never caught the original variant as my brother had it and I was around him. Must be something genetic on my pops side of the genes.

I'm feeling 100%. For whatever reason on my dad's side of the family covid just doesn't do much. I'm surprised I never caught the original variant as my brother had it and I was around him. Must be something genetic on my pops side of the genes.
Its all in the genes/jeans :tongue3::laughing7:

I'm feeling 100%. For whatever reason on my dad's side of the family covid just doesn't do much. I'm surprised I never caught the original variant as my brother had it and I was around him. Must be something genetic on my pops side of the genes.
Same here on my Dad,s side.All of us,my Dad,Granddad,and myself have been and were very lucky to have never had serious illnesses.I,ve been and so far am quite healthy,need to lose a few pounds of course but I,m working on that.:laughing7:

Same here on my Dad,s side.All of us,my Dad,Granddad,and myself have been and were very lucky to have never had serious illnesses.I,ve been and so far am quite healthy,need to lose a few pounds of course but I,m working on that.:laughing7:
Probably because my dad is Thai you know China made the virus so you know doesn't bother Asians. Bad joke of course I'm sure it has nothing to do with it lol

Our government is talking about introducing a 'mandatory proof of vaccination' for any indoor activities here in Ontario. Which basically means, you're going to have to show proof of vaccination before you can grocery shopping, go into any store or building, if you take public transit or for just abut any activity that isn't outdoors. :dontknow:
And all I to say is they must have


Well....spent 3 hours talking with ladywildbones......and my wife hasn't divorced me yet....hopefully we can make some TV together....she's found gold on one of my spots !!

Here's a lasagna recipe some may find of interest.


Hopefully we can both team up with the Florida keys history & discovery center and bring some relics for the museum, and adventures for TV both on land and in the water !!

Hopefully we can both team up with the Florida keys history & discovery center and bring some relics for the museum, and adventures for TV both on land and in the water !!
Great news !I'm putting in my order for a autograph before you start charging:laughing7::icon_thumright:

Here's a lasagna recipe some may find of interest.

I love lasagna.I,ll see if I can con my wife into doing this one,sounds real tasty! Thanks Bill!

ARC, The problem is our hospital staff Canada wide are burning out after almost 2 years of non stop covid patients. The Governments both Federal and Provincial are between a rock and a hard place.

Considering the vast majority of intensive care patients are the unvaccinated what would you or anyone else outside of government office do the bring the situation under control?

No easy answers unfortunately. Whether we like it or not this virus has managed to infiltrate our way of life, no matter where you live, work, how governments handle or don't handle it.
Not an easy time....they couldn't pay me enough to be a national leader during these trying times.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Well we can't find the information on this Bill.
Can you provide a site that shows the breakdown on the % of the 4 levels of patients that have the. 3x,2x,1x,no x .shot.
It is so strange that you have these claims, but we can't find them.
This is the numbers here, but they don't break them down.
Kingston Lennix Addington...was highest in country Mid December

Thursday 738 active high risk...20 hospitalized (11 ICU 8 ventilator).

Friday 712 active high risk ( went down)
16 in hospital (went down)

7 day average positivity rate 8.5 compared to Jan. 3 was 16.3

Hosp. Said numbers stabilizing...

Well we can't find the information on this Bill.
Can you provide a site that shows the breakdown on the % of the 4 levels of patients that have the. 3x,2x,1x,no x .shot.
It is so strange that you have these claims, but we can't find them.
This is the numbers here, but they don't break them down.
Kingston Lennix Addington...was highest in country Mid December

Thursday 738 active high risk...20 hospitalized (11 ICU 8 ventilator).

Friday 712 active high risk ( went down)
16 in hospital (went down)

7 day average positivity rate 8.5 compared to Jan. 3 was 16.3

Hosp. Said numbers stabilizing...
Like to add that the actual strip testing has been reduced from 1500 a day to 100-150 because they are not allowed to test. So if you wanted a test, you can't get one.
The changed the eligibility Dec 31.
Great way of reducing the rate.
The breakdowns of the % are given to a sector/department and they do the media releases.
Guess what they don't get any breakdown to do a media release.
How do I know this??
Well I have a guy that does this for a living.
His department is being gagged.

Like to add that the actual strip testing has been reduced from 1500 a day to 100-150 because they are not allowed to test. So if you wanted a test, you can't get one.
The changed the eligibility Dec 31.
Great way of reducing the rate.
The breakdowns of the % are given to a sector/department and they do the media releases.
Guess what they don't get any breakdown to do a media release.
How do I know this??
Well I have a guy that does this for a living.
His department is being gagged.
So much misinformation and plain disinformation out about all this.See Sonia Sotomajor,s straight out lie at The Supreme Court.A U.S.Supreme Court Justice!!! Claiming 100,000 children in desperate illness in U.S. hospitals.Not so.

Well we can't find the information on this Bill.
Can you provide a site that shows the breakdown on the % of the 4 levels of patients that have the. 3x,2x,1x,no x .shot.
It is so strange that you have these claims, but we can't find them.
This is the numbers here, but they don't break them down.
Kingston Lennix Addington...was highest in country Mid December

Thursday 738 active high risk...20 hospitalized (11 ICU 8 ventilator).

Friday 712 active high risk ( went down)
16 in hospital (went down)

7 day average positivity rate 8.5 compared to Jan. 3 was 16.3

Hosp. Said numbers stabilizing...
Jim, Here you go.


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