THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Will you be having a snow day?
Thankfully Jim, Monday is always my work from home, paperwork and route planning day. I even went out and warmed up the snowblower yesterday, just to make sure I wasn't going to have any issues tomorrow. :thumbsup:

I see they're calling for a large amount to fall in your area, as well as, in Bill's part of Quebec.

I still will go out and about the same as I always do. But I'm just not at risk. Of course if I'm sick I won't otherwise for me I'm going to keep living my life. Still going to say those at risk should be careful and get vaccines and such. As for me I'm staying unvaccinated just for me hasn't been a need to be. Though that's my choice if my situation was different and I was at risk I'd be getting it.
Our government is talking about introducing a 'mandatory proof of vaccination' for any indoor activities here in Ontario. Which basically means, you're going to have to show proof of vaccination before you can grocery shopping, go into any store or building, if you take public transit or for just abut any activity that isn't outdoors. :dontknow:

Our government is talking about introducing a 'mandatory proof of vaccination' for any indoor activities here in Ontario. Which basically means, you're going to have to show proof of vaccination before you can grocery shopping, go into any store or building, if you take public transit or for just abut any activity that isn't outdoors. :dontknow:
Goes to show you it isn't about health. As far as I'm seeing the vaccine protects the individual only. I was infected by someone fully vaccinated and like I said the silly part was the fully vaccinated person got much sicker than I did. I will not get vaccinated. Same as how masks are ridiculous only a certain kind stop the virus particles and if worn correctly, those types also youre only supposed to wear for so long. I ignore any stores telling me to wear a mask. I sometimes wish people were more prone to think for themselves but clearly they do not. Note again I still recommend those at risk be careful and get the vaccine but a lot of things being done make no sense what so ever.

Snowfall Warning – Southern Ontario

Issued at 09:57am Sunday 16 January 2022

Significant snowfall beginning tonight.

What: Total snowfall amounts of 6 to 8 inches with locally higher amounts of 1 foot possible.
Snow, at times heavy, with peak snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour possible which could significantly reduce visibilities. Local blowing snow at times due to winds gusting up to 40mp/h.

When: Tonight through Monday evening.

Discussion: A low pressure system tracking south of the Great Lakes will bring significant snowfall to the region. Heavy snow will likely significantly impact the Monday morning commute. Local blowing snow is also possible Monday afternoon and evening with gusty northerly to northwesterly winds.

Rapidly accumulating snow will make travel difficult. Visibility may be suddenly reduced at times in heavy snow. There may be a significant impact on rush hour traffic in urban areas.
Dave, There goes the generator sales up again....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Our government is talking about introducing a 'mandatory proof of vaccination' for any indoor activities here in Ontario. Which basically means, you're going to have to show proof of vaccination before you can grocery shopping, go into any store or building, if you take public transit or for just abut any activity that isn't outdoors. :dontknow:
Wow... Communistic Canada !

ARC, The problem is our hospital staff Canada wide are burning out after almost 2 years of non stop covid patients. The Governments both Federal and Provincial are between a rock and a hard place.

Considering the vast majority of intensive care patients are the unvaccinated what would you or anyone else outside of government office do the bring the situation under control?

No easy answers unfortunately. Whether we like it or not this virus has managed to infiltrate our way of life, no matter where you live, work, how governments handle or don't handle it.
Not an easy time....they couldn't pay me enough to be a national leader during these trying times.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Wow... Communistic Canada !

In Ontario hospitals, it's mostly the unvaccinated who are overwhelming the ICU’s

The vaccines approved for use in Canada have been shown to provide protection against severe COVID-19 symptoms, and multiple studies have indicated the risks posed by the disease heavily outweigh the chance of adverse reactions. This is where the Omicron wave is starting to show its worst side: inside the ICU at Toronto General, which is filling up with critically ill COVID-19 patients, the majority of whom are unvaccinated. There are twice as many COVID-19 patients here than two weeks ago.

“Based on the pace of which we're seeing the phone calls and referrals, we’re looking at that slope having a very steep uptick, so we are preparing ourselves for an increase in numbers of people who are seeking our support,” Dr. John Granton, head of respirology at University Health Network (UHN) and a critical care specialist at Toronto General. Some hospitals are not seeing such a high percentage of unvaccinated cases — but part of this is that unvaccinated patients are more likely to have severe cases, and thus are more likely to have been transferred to hospitals like Toronto General that are equipped to care for the worst ICU cases. And the sick patients in this ICU are younger. “Twenties, thirties, forties — meaning the official definition of young, i.e., younger than me,” said Dr. Niall Ferguson, head of critical care medicine at the UHN and senior scientist with the Toronto General Research Institute. “And often without any significant comorbidities, any other major illnesses.”

In Canada the unvaccinated make up less than 13 per cent of the population. At Toronto General, which cares for the sickest COVID-19 patients, 70 per cent in the intensive care unit are not vaccinated. “In our units we're seeing about two thirds of our patients are relatively young, unvaccinated and are showing up with severe disease,” Ferguson said. It’s frustrating for health teams. “This is happening, it's real and we're continuing to see it, and I’ve got to say, it is very discouraging to continue to see this,” Granton said. While Omicron is milder for those with immunity, and is causing fewer deaths than earlier waves, it is still sending more people to hospital around the world due to its high spread. “It remains a dangerous virus, particularly for those who are unvaccinated,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said.

Hospital officials say, "they are doing their best to prepare for a rise in critically ill patients, highlighting that their ICU's would be 50 or even 70 per cent less busy treating COVID if more people would get their vaccinations." Granton said that ,"if everyone in Canada was vaccinated, their ICU would be a lot quieter. We wouldn't see it near the number of people that we're seeing now. They're just scared and uninformed or haven't had the right advice,” Ferguson said. “So most people do, when it comes down to it, wish that they'd had the vaccine and could turn back the clock.”

ARC, The problem is our hospital staff Canada wide are burning out after almost 2 years of non stop covid patients. The Governments both Federal and Provincial are between a rock and a hard place.

Considering the vast majority of intensive care patients are the unvaccinated what would you or anyone else outside of government office do the bring the situation under control?

No easy answers unfortunately. Whether we like it or not this virus has managed to infiltrate our way of life, no matter where you live, work, how governments handle or don't handle it.
Not an easy time....they couldn't pay me enough to be a national leader during these trying times.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Here here, well said Bill! :hello2:

I saw a study somewhere these vaccines may ultimately cause issues later for people in regards to the brain. Supposedly so many are supposed to be bad for the brain and bring a risk mental decline. But we shall see I hardly trust "science" regarding the virus anymore as data is so easily manipulated to get whatever outcome one wants.

Also ultimately the vaccines are not stopping spread nor mutations. Forcing it upon those that are not at risk is not right. Those at risk absolutely should take it but one not likely at all to end up in a hospital should not be forced. A lot of this makes me angry. Better yet cut the profits from the vaccine let these companies make next to no profit off it and let's see what changes

...Why do they do that...
Report the weather conditions at the airport ? No one lives at Freaking Airports :BangHead::tongue3::BangHead::tongue3::dontknow:
All major airports have weather weinies by the dozen and all the gear to note current conditions,plus radar so it,s easy to get and report the conditions.But,as you said,nobody lives at the airports.? Just another example of taking the easy way out.

ARC, The problem is our hospital staff Canada wide are burning out after almost 2 years of non stop covid patients. The Governments both Federal and Provincial are between a rock and a hard place.

Considering the vast majority of intensive care patients are the unvaccinated what would you or anyone else outside of government office do the bring the situation under control?

No easy answers unfortunately. Whether we like it or not this virus has managed to infiltrate our way of life, no matter where you live, work, how governments handle or don't handle it.
Not an easy time....they couldn't pay me enough to be a national leader during these trying times.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Brother in law with brain aneurisms gets taken to the rehab place I go to.

He had a grand mal seizure ("big death" but he's alive still) and ended up in the E.R. overflow area with attendant delay due to volume of waiting patients /triage..

When taken to rehab , (per scheduled visits) the last visit had a hundred missing staff members.

I'm supposed to be scheduling a visit. Called my liaison and she said she'd text me when back to her desk. Days later , no text yet.
I'm in no hurry. Could be Feb. and no problem far as I'm concerned.

ARC, The problem is our hospital staff Canada wide are burning out after almost 2 years of non stop covid patients. The Governments both Federal and Provincial are between a rock and a hard place.

Considering the vast majority of intensive care patients are the unvaccinated what would you or anyone else outside of government office do the bring the situation under control?

No easy answers unfortunately. Whether we like it or not this virus has managed to infiltrate our way of life, no matter where you live, work, how governments handle or don't handle it.
Not an easy time....they couldn't pay me enough to be a national leader during these trying times.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
And it should be very apparent by now to everyone that all the thus far vaccines... masks... sanitary changes... measures... restrictions... and on and on have done little to thwart this virus.

They can blame who they want for this... but who will they blame for its continuance after all those same unvaccinated finally contract it ?

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About those underground electrical lines. Here all our residential lines are underground true.But the high voltage lines that feed the substations are not,still up in the air on big old pylons and poles.If,as sometimes happens,the high voltage transmission lines go down,no mo juice until those get fixed. Yours may be different of course,if so that,s all to the good. We had a tornado come through about 10 years or so ago and totally wiped out the substation down the street from me,no power for about 10 days.

Our government is talking about introducing a 'mandatory proof of vaccination' for any indoor activities here in Ontario. Which basically means, you're going to have to show proof of vaccination before you can grocery shopping, go into any store or building, if you take public transit or for just abut any activity that isn't outdoors. :dontknow:
Hey, whats the big deal ,its only Freedom, right :BangHead:

Where are my manners,they seem to have deserted me. Congratulations WannaDig,that you and the Mr. are doing better. John and all the rest of the crew too,hope things just get better and better.
Lol it happens easy to get distracted. There are lots of comments. I myself am not the best at getting to everything. Glad you appear to doing well my friend.

Lol it happens easy to get distracted. There are lots of comments. I myself am not the best at getting to everything. Glad you appear to doing well my friend.
So far all the Crash family are doing well,we,re not going out a lot except for the needed things.Wife and Daughter work at the school and the Grandson is 6 so he,s not in the cohort that usually gets it.Glad your bout was mild my friend.Hang in there.

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